The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And among them are the disbelievers, and they are the ones who cover up. Their position is like the mullahs, and the disbelievers are the farmers because they cover the seeds in the land. This is because the people of humanity, beauty, and mercy, when they look at the Qur’an and at all things, their eyes will only fall upon beauty and beauty and nothing else. That is what it is, and if they read the Qur’an, it will not stand. They have the images of those who are hated, except for what they contain of good deeds, so their eyes fall upon that, and the truth bears witness to them from that verse with which God described those of His servants whom He hates, due to the fact that this attribute is in Him in its absolute sense, so they take from each attribute what suits them in their path, and they direct that to them in the best way, and they enjoy enjoyment. Because it is a torment for others, and the image is the same, and what is imagined is different from it due to the differences

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And among them are the wrongdoers. God Almighty said, “Then We gave the Book as inheritance to those whom We have chosen from among Our servants, and the Chosen One is the guardian.” Then He said about the chosen ones, “And among them is an unjust to his own soul, which is to withhold from it its right for its own sake. That is, the right that you have, O my soul, upon me in this world. He delays it for you until the Hereafter. And here, hasten to toil and strive, and take honor.” Imam And avoid inclining toward concessions, and all of this is her right, so he is unjust to himself for his own sake, and that is why he said about whoever he chooses, some of them are unjust to himself, that is, for the sake of himself, to make her happy, so he has wronged her only for her.

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And among them are the negligent ones, and they are those who neglect their prayers and neglect God’s prayer through them. They see that their forelocks are in the hand of God. He places them in them, kneels with them, prostrates with them, reads with them, says takbir with them, and says hello to them because He hears them, sees them, tongues, hands, and feet, as stated in the report. He was negligent, for he did not say about prayer, for he was not negligent about prayer, but rather they neglected to add prayer to them, and for this reason they considered his statement about their prayer to be negligent, and the woe that is due to them is only due to the one who in his view combined his prayer and the prayer of God with him, for he is more complete. So if you compare the two men in these two major positions, one of them is missing. Whatever was good in the right of the other who combined them, then that deficiency would be a woe to him in addition to

The good deeds of th

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And among them are the hypocrites who show themselves to the people, and they are the ones who do the deed so that the scholars of this nation may imitate them in it. They teach the people by deed, intending to teach them, since the deed is more complete according to opinion than speech, as

He, peace be upon him, said, “Pray as you have seen me praying” < /p

Despite the fact that he described prayer for them, and despite all of this, he prayed on the pulpit so that people could see him and follow him, and so on in all possible deeds. This is the share of saints from hypocrisy in deeds that bring one closer to God .

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And among them are those who prevent and help, and their share among these people is that they prevent people from seeing the causes so that they turn their attention to their cause. There is no helper but God. It was said to them, “Say, ‘It is to you that we seek help’, not by those who help.” And among them are the slanderers who are the blamers, and they are the ones who blame and the guardians of God who reveal everyone’s faults .

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