The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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If you say, “What is darkness and light, from which are shadow and light?” We say, “Light is every incoming thing except it.” The universe distances itself from the heart, and darkness they may call knowledge of the essence, for nothing else is revealed with it, and most of what these two masters of bodies know.

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If you say, “What is the Ego,” we say the truth by way of addition, and they are those who seclude themselves at the tablet, those who look at the pen, those who look at the Nun, those who derive from identity, those who say “Ego,” who speak of the union for the sake of the bell .

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If you say, “What are these words that you mentioned?” we will say: As for the tablet, it is the place of writing and underlining that is postponed to a known limit. As for identity, it is the unseen reality. As for nun, it is the knowledge of generality. As for representation, it is your saying to You. As for the pen, it is the knowledge of detail. As for union, it is the two essences becoming one entity. So, it is either a slave or a Lord, and He does not exist except in In number and in nature, it is a condition, and as for the bell, it is the summation of the speech with a kind of oppression due to the strength of the incoming, and all of this is only attained by the people of the nawalah .

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If you say, “What is the chamber?” we said, “The place where the pole is covered from the individuals arriving when they are being clothed,” and it is the closet for the dressing, and the storehouse is the “pillow.” Muhammad bin the leader of the utensils said, “I ascended until I saw only one foot in front of me, and I gaped, and it was said, ‘It is the foot of your Prophet.’ Then my body calmed down, and it was among the individuals. And imagine that what Above him, except for his Prophet, and no one else preceded him, and he spoke the truth, may God be pleased with him, for he saw nothing but his path and path, and no one walked on it except his Prophet. And it was said to him: Have you seen Abdul Qadir? He said: I did not see Abdul Qadir in the presence. So that was said to Abdul Qadir. He said: Ibn Qaid spoke the truth in what he said, for I was in the chamber and from me. The nawala came out to him and he called it exactly, so Ibn Qaid was asked about the nawala, what descri

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If you say, “What is solitude and seclusion?” We say “solitude” is the servant’s exit from seclusion with the attributes of the truth, so he burns what his sight has perceived, and seclusion is a secret conversation with the truth, where there is no king or anyone, and there is stunning.

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If you said, “What are hope and fear?” We said, “Hope is greed for the future, and fear is what warns you of the bad in the one who resumes,” and that is why he inclines to turning back, which is your return to you from him after receiving it .

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If you say, “What is the punishment?” we say the divine spirit from which truth is breathed into the temples as if they are their spirits that move them, the calming, and the leafy. The soul that is between nature and the mind and without nature is the phoenix.

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