The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

If you say, “What is the Eid?” we said, “What brings you back to your heart from the manifestation of the return of deeds,” which is his saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, “God does not tire until you tire, so blessed are the people of ancient times .”

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If you say, “What is the precedence,” we say what is proven for the servant in his knowledge of the truth. God Almighty said, “They have precedence in truthfulness,” that is, precedence in the care of their Lord in the knowledge of God, and that is distinguished in the Throne .

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If you say, “What is the Throne,” we say, “Knowledge of command and prohibition,” then

It has been mentioned in the report that the Throne is the place of the feet.

The command came first and the prohibition preceded what was restricted by the throne .

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If you say, “What is the Throne,” we say that it is the level of restricted names, and in it the image of a parable appears, “He who has nothing like Him,” and this is the established proverb .

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If you say, “What is the proverb,” we say, “The created being in the divine image” mentioned in

His saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that God created Adam in His image

And God Almighty said in it, “Indeed, I will place a caliph on earth,” and he is The representative of the truth that is apparent in His form, and He is the one who is a god in the heavens and on earth is a god whom the representative has made manifest. And the sight of this representative is the veil of pride at night, making mistakes in itself .

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If you say, “What is the veil of pride,” we say blindness and confusion, for it is what prevents one from arriving at knowledge of the matter as it is in itself, and only those with knowledge can understand the reality of this matter .

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If you say, “What is the property of the angel,” we say, “It is the right to reward the servant for what he did, including what he was commanded to do and what he was not commanded to do, and this matter is specific to the world of the kingdom.”

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If you say, “What is the world of the isthmus?” we say, “The world of imagination.” Some of the people of the path call it the world of tyranny, and so it is with me. Abu Talib says about it, the owner of sustenance, the world of tyranny. He is the world that I witness greatness, and they are the elite of the world of the kingdom and they have perfection .

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If you say, “What do I see?” we say an expression of moderation in his saying, “He gave each thing its creation and then guided it.” If I show the position of the line of equinox of the night and the day, then they borrowed it, and Abd al-Moneim bin Hassan al-Jalbani mentioned it from among them in his summary, Ghayat al-Najjat, and I met him and asked him about that, and he said about it. What we explained about it, and the owner of this position is the owner of the robe

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If you say, “What is the truth according to them,” we will say what the servant is obligated to do from God’s side, and what the Lord has made obligatory for the servants upon Himself, since He is the knower and the most knowledgeable .

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If you say, “What is the knower and knowledge?” we say, “The knower is one whom God has witnessed, his divinity and his essence, and no condition appears upon him, and knowledge is its condition, but on the condition that one differentiates between it and knowledge and the knower .”

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If you say, “What is knowledge and the knower?” we said, “From His appearance is the Lord. There is no divine name other than Him,” so the conditions and knowledge of His state appear from Him, and He is from the world of creation, just as the world is from the world of command.

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If you say, “And He is not the Knower of creation and command,” and God says, “Behold, to Him belongs creation and command.” We say, “The Knower of command is that which was created by God, not at the cause of an accident.” And the Knower of creation is what God brought into being at the cause of an accident, so the unseen is hidden in it.

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If you say, “What are generality and specificity according to them?” We would say that generality is what occurs in the attributes through participation, and specificity is what occurs in isolation, which is the oneness of everything, which is the core of the core .

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If you say, “What is the core of the core,” we say, “The substance of divine light, the oil of which would almost shine, even if no fire touched it.” Light upon light. So the core of the core is his saying, “Light upon light.”

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