The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

What is the drink of love ?

The answer is an intermediate manifestation between two manifestations. It is the permanent manifestation that does not cease. It is the highest station in which the truth is revealed to His knowledgeable servants. The beginning of it is the manifestation of taste. As for the manifestation through which irrigation occurs, it is for those who are distressed, so the ultimate goal of their drinking is irrigation, but as for those who are generous, there is no irrigation. Because they drink like Abu Yazid and others like him. The first thing presented in this question is knowing love, and then he knows his drink to which it was added and his cup .

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Know that love has three levels of natural love, which is the love of the common people, and its goal is union with the animal spirit, so the soul of each of them becomes a soul for its companion through the path of pleasure and arousal of desire, and its end is the act of marriage, for the desire of love flows through all moods like the flow of water in a wool, or even the flow of color in a colorful one. A spiritual, psychological love whose goal is to imitate the Beloved while fulfilling the rights of the Beloved and knowing his destiny, and divine love, which is God’s love for the servant and the servant’s love for his Lord, as He said, “He loves them and they love Him.” Its end, from both ends, is for the servant to see that he is a manifestation of the Truth, and for that reason, the apparent Truth is like the soul to the body, whose interior is hidden within it and is never perceived and only a lover witnesses it. And that the truth is manifest to the servant, so it is char

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Know that love may be natural and the beloved is not from the world of nature, and love cannot be natural unless the lover is from the world of nature. This is necessary because natural love is caused by sight or hearing, so it occurs in the imagination of the beholder from what he saw if the beloved is among those who perceive with sight and in The listener's imagination of what he heard, so he carried it in his upbringing, so he formed it in his imagination with pictorial power. The beloved may have a natural image identical to what he imagined in the imagination, or less than that, or higher than that. The beloved may not have an image, and it is not permissible for him to accept images, so this lover has depicted from what he heard something that cannot be imagined and has not been imagined. Nature's goal is to depict what does not accept form except its combination in a limited matter that is controlled for fear of dissipation and attachment to that which is not in hand. This

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