The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He acts upon it from the standpoint of his mind, and whoever acts upon it from the standpoint of his mind may not act upon it from the standpoint of his law. The one who works at it from the standpoint of his mind attributes it to illuminated structures or minds devoid of materials. It is necessary for that, and the one who works at it from the standpoint of His law attributes it to God, Glory be to Him, and attributes it in terms of its effects and what you look at to put the media between you and it, to the structures of light and minds devoid of materials. As for the common people, they do not know it except for God in particular, or for the immediate, usual, tangible causes in particular, they do not know anything other than this.

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And I have not seen nor heard of any of those close to me that he stood with his Lord on the footing of pure servitude. The exalted assembly says, “Will you place therein someone who will cause corruption in it?” And the chosen people among the people say, “Our Lord, we have wronged our souls.” And they say, “O Lord, do not leave on earth homes of the disbelievers.” And they say, “If this group perish, I will not destroy.” It will be worshiped on earth after today .

This is all due to the prevailing jealousy over them and haste, because man was created with calves. It is a natural movement that revealed its ruling in time, so it was withheld from its owner from worship to the extent that such a ruling is accompanied by its owner.

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And everything that slanders a certain station and criticizes that station, then the holder of that station is not characterized in that state by the perfection that he deserves, and if it is from perfection, then the light of servitude is equal to the light of lordship, then it is from its effect, and to the extent that it slanders servitude, it slanders lordship, even if Such slander does not taint or affect natural happiness, but rather it affects scientific happiness. The most general degrees in that are two degrees: the degree of haste with which man was created, and the degree of heedlessness to which man was created. If not, the highest heavens have a part in nature and entry in terms of His luminous structure, the Truth would not have described them. With the quarrel in his saying, I had no knowledge of the highest councils, since they dispute, and the highest councils do not dispute except in terms of the natural appearance in which it appears, such as the appearance of G

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Unity in all aspects is perfection that does not accept decrease or addition. So look from where it is, not from the perspective of what is united with it. If the essence of what is united with it is the same, and if the essence of what is united with it is not, then it is a combination. This is not our goal nor the desire of men, and for this reason the rulings on the divine names differed. As they are names, where is the avenger, the severe in punishment, and the oppressor, from the merciful, the forgiving, and the kind? The avenger seeks to take revenge on the one who takes revenge on him, and the merciful seeks to remove revenge from him, and each considers the thing according to the judgment of its truth, so there must be a dispute for the emergence of authority. So whoever looks at the divine names speaks of a divine dispute, and for this reason he said God Almighty to His Prophet and argue with them in a way that is best, so He commanded him to argue that the divine names r

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Nothing prevented me from achieving this position except heedlessness and nothing else. There is between me and him a veil that cannot be lifted. As for the veil of haste, I hope, thank God, that it has been lifted from me. As for the veil of heedlessness, it is impossible to always lift it with the presence of structure, whether it is in meanings or in objects, even if This veil has been lifted to nullify the secret of divinity in relation to this person, and it is what Sahl bin Abdullah or whoever used to say that divinity has a secret that if it were revealed, divinity would be invalidated, but it is possible to obtain it by looking at oneself, but I do not know whether the essence requires its attainment and appearance in existence or not, except that I know. It did not happen, and despite this, I do not cease to despair of achieving it, despite my knowledge of the impossibility of that, and the advisor himself should approach this position with the effort of his ability. As f

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This is because God, when called the apparent and the hidden, denied competition, since the apparent does not compete with the hidden, and the hidden does not compete with the apparent. Rather, competition can be two apparent or hidden, so it is the apparent in terms of appearances, and it is the hidden in terms of identity. Manifestations are multiple in terms of their essence, not in terms of < /p >

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