The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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What is comprehensive in this chapter is that the vision on the Day of Visitation is dependent on the beliefs in this world. So whoever believes in his Lord, what He gave him sight, what gave him revelation, and what he gave him imitation of His Messenger, then he will see his Lord in the form of the face of every belief attached to him, except that in imitating his Prophet, he sees him in the form of his Prophet in terms of what he knows. That Messenger, from what was revealed to him in his knowledge of his Lord, for such a person has three manifestations with three eyes at the same time, and so is the ruling of the one who sees alone, or the one who reveals himself alone, or the one who imitates alone.

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The ranks of the saints who are followed in the visit are distinguished by the precedence of the prophets over them, and the two classes that are neither prophets nor followers are the saints of God, and they are not judged by a position. They are distinguished from all others by their correct lineage to their Lord, except that those with vision are among them in rank below those with revelation. So between the truth and them in vision is the veil of their thought whenever They wanted to lift that veil, but they could not, just like following the prophets. Whenever they intended to lift the prophets’ veil from them so that they could see Him without this intermediary, they were not able to do so. So the vision is pure without blemish except for the prophets, the messengers, the people of the laws, and the people of revelation in particular, and whoever attains this status despite being a follower or a person with insight, it is collected for him. As much as he has, even if it is o

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As for the men who correct the belief of each belief according to what has reached him, his knowledge, and what he has decided, then on the Day of Visitation he will see his Lord with the eyes of every belief. The one who advises himself should search in his world for all the articles regarding that and know from where each person with an opinion has proven his opinion, so if it is proven in his opinion of its aspect. And he did not deny it or reject it, for he would reap its fruit on the day of the visit, as long as that belief was what it was, and this is the vast divine knowledge .

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The basis for the validity of what we have mentioned is that every observer of God is under the rule of one of the names of God, so that name is the manifestation of Him and it is what gives him that belief in His manifestation from where he does not perceive it. All of the divine names are attributed to the truth, so seeing Him in every belief with differences is correct. There is some error in it. This gives it the most complete revelation. It did not depart from God from the sight of an observer, and it is not valid for it to emerge. Rather, people were obscured from the truth by the truth due to the clarity of the truth. This group, which is of this level of knowledge of God, described the day of the visitation in isolation. If they departed from the visitation, every believer imagines that he Among them is because he sees the image of his belief in it as his image, so he is loved by all sects. Whoever has this quality, and so he was in this world, and this saying that we ment

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What are the chances of the prophets being able to look at Him ?

The answer is: I do not know, for I am not a prophet, so the taste of the prophets is known only to them. If he wants the prophets whom God has designated for general legislation specific to them, then if he wants the prophets of the saints, then their share of him is according to the level of belief they have in God. If he obtains all of them, then his share is the same for all, then he is in general bliss, and he enjoys the pleasure of every belief, no matter how great a pleasure it is, and if he obtains some, then it is for himself according to what he obtained for himself, and if he is alone with one matter, then his share is whatever he is alone with, without more, so understand what we have mentioned.

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What are the chances of the modern scholars in looking at Him ?

The answer is the closest veil. If he sees his Lord, they will have the same luck in viewing as they have in speaking. However, the modern scholars are distinguished in seeing from the rest of creation in that the manifestation varies among them in one scene and in all other creations. They do not have this status, as it is reserved for the hadith scholars.

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What are the chances of the rest of the saints in looking at him ?

The answer: The saints are in ranks, so their fortunes differ according to their ranks. So his luck in looking at him is given to mental pleasure, and his luck from that is given to psychological pleasure, and his luck from that is given to sensual pleasure, and his luck from that is given to imaginary pleasure, and his share of that is given to an imaginary pleasure, and his share of that is given to psychological pleasure. From that is a conditioned pleasure, and his portion of that is given to an unconditioned pleasure, and his portion of that is given to him .

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