The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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His words to the messengers are known only to the messengers, and we have no taste for them. If we knew them, we would not know them. If we knew them, we would be messengers like them, and we have no share in their message or their prophecy. Our speech can only be based on taste. The answer to this question is if the messengers wanted to leave the answer, so we wanted to benefit our companions. In that we speak in His words, the Most High, to the messengers who are the heirs of the messengers of God when they were called to God based on insight and the polytheism of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, in calling to God based on insight between him and those who followed him. So know from where we are speaking, to whom I am speaking and to whom we are explaining. Then we return to what we were about. So we say, and he says, “You have identified me, and I have no limit.” So we say, “This is what you say with the tongue of knowledge, and you spoke to us with

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Then a group of them says, “We have approached our happiness.” He says, “Your happiness is with you and will remain with you as long as you seek closeness to it.” If you do not know that, then you are ignorant. And if you know it, then you have not believed it. Then there is no closeness. If a group says, “We only believed closeness to knowing ourselves,” then He says to them, “The thing is not ignorant.” himself, but he does not know that he knows himself, because knowledge of witnesses obscures knowledge of what is witnessed, so your request for proximity to knowledge of what is known is not valid .

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If a group says, and it is necessary for them to say, “We only believed that we are close to your knowledge,” then he says to them, “How can one know someone who is not like Him? If He were a thing, they would have been united by their objectivity, so similarity occurs in them. Therefore, He has no objectivity, so He is not a thing, nor is He a nothing, for there is nothing.” The characteristic of the non-existent is similar to the non-existent in that it is nothing, and it is not similar, so there is nothing like it, and there is nothing like it, and who is like this, how can he know? So it is invalid for you to approach my knowledge, so it is invalid for them to be among the close ones, so they say, “We have no knowledge except what you have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the All-Knowing.” The wise man says, “You are messengers.” The reality of a messenger is that it is between a sender and an addressee, and he carries a message to them so that they can act according to wha

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Where will they take refuge on the Day of Resurrection from the platform ?

The answer is to the foot of the throne, and on the Day of Resurrection there are many places. So the messengers will take refuge on the Day of Resurrection from the place in every place to the place where the divine judgment will be revealed, which befits that place. It is a place for questioning, a place for weighing scales, and a place for taking. Books, a home for the path, and a home for the basin .

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The place of the Resurrection will be where the Messengers will be in the hands of the Truth, Glory be to Him, like a gecko in the hands of the King, and the closest of them will be in the status of the one closest to the two corners, which is the meeting of the two diagonals of the circle. Then they will take shelter in the general question to which we have no knowledge, and in the specific question according to what that question requires of the answer, and the Truth has a question in Every episode of the Resurrection refers to the name that contains the answer to that particular question .

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How will the ranks of the prophets and saints be on the Day of Visitation ?

The answer is that if God gathered them together on the Day of Visitation in the Garden of Eden on the White Musk Dune, He would set up pulpits, beds, chairs and mattresses for them .

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The prophets are in two ranks: prophets of laws and prophets of followers. Prophets of laws are in the second rank of messengers and prophets of followers are in the third rank. The third rank is divided into two parts: a section called prophets and a section called saints, and the rank is for saints by the general name .

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So if it is the Day of Visitation, then every prophet received the knowledge of his Lord from his Lord out of faith that was not likened to him with an intellectual view, for he sees his Lord with the eye of his faith, and the guardian who follows him in his belief in his Lord sees him through the mirror of his Prophet. If this guardian attained knowledge of his Lord through his sight and took that as a closeness in terms of his faith, then he has the Day of Visitation. Two visions: a vision of knowledge and a vision of faith. Likewise, if the Prophet has an intellectual vision in his knowledge of his Lord, he has two visions: a vision of knowledge and a vision of faith .

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If the guardian is one of the guardians of the periods and he did not attain knowledge of his Lord from the divine knowledge that the messengers brought, and their knowledge of their Lord was either from sight or from a divine manifestation of his heart, or both, then such people, insofar as they are people of sight, are in the rank of people of insight into vision, even if it is

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