The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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I have forgiven you, so work on revealing and verifying, and this is established in our law without a doubt. The scholars of hadith also have precedence in such matters, but they are not specific to it. Rather, those who are not imams of hadith from among the saints share with them. The description of the hadith scholars was known from before the description of the prophets, so stop at that, and God guides. whomsoever He wills to a straight path .

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Where is their place among them ?

The answer is the place of the follower from the one who is followed, which is walking in the footsteps. Our Sheikh Muhammad bin Qaid said, “When I entered, I saw on him the footprint of a foot in front of me, and I became surprised, and I was told, ‘This is the foot of your Prophet,’ so my condition calmed down.”

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Know that this Muhammadan state unites the feet of the prophets and messengers, peace be upon them, so any guardian who sees a foot in front of him, that is the foot of the Prophet, to whom he is an heir .

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As for the foot of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, no one, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, will step on his foot, just as no one will touch his heart. The foot that Muhammad bin Qaid saw or everyone who sees it sees, is the foot of the Prophet, to whom he is an heir, but in terms of what he is a Muhammadan and nothing else. That is why it was said to him, “The origin of your Prophet,” and he did not say to him, “This is the origin of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.” If the sheikh understood from him what we mentioned, then he is one of the people of hadith and perfection. And if he understood from him the origin of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, then that is a defect in the eye of his understanding. This is why the questioner said, “Where is their place among them,” and he did not say From him and place here means status

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It was narrated on the authority of Abd al-Qadir al-Jili that he said, when he was told what this thing said, I was in the room, and from me, the nawalah came out to him, meaning the khula that he gave, because he was asked about it, and he said, “I did not see him in the presence.” That was said to Abdul Qadir, so he said, “I was in the room,” and he called it the nawalah. And it was as he said, but he said in the chamber, and he did not name the place of his safekeeping and his eye with this name so that he would know about the deception of God, Muhammad bin Qaid, as he ruled that he did not see Abdul Qadir in the presence of him exposing his precious things, for the presence of Muhammad bin Qaid in this incident is his presence that is specific to him in terms of his knowledge of his Lord. No, Hazrat Al-Haqq, in terms of what Abdul Qadir or other of the greats knew, so Abdul Qadir’s position concealed from him a deception. Abdul Qadir understood that and said, “I was in the cha

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Then you should know that the place of each one of his prophet, who is his heir, is his place from him according to the state in which his path yielded fruit, for no one inherits a prophet who is perfect, since if he inherited him who was perfect, he would have been a messenger like him or a prophet with a law that belongs to him and he takes from whomever he takes from him, and this is not the case. However, the spirit that is cast upon that prophet extends from him a royal subtlety to the heart of this inheriting man in the form of a state tinged on its appearance with the image of that king, and that spirituality is called by the name of that king, and it addresses this inheritor, and this inheritor addresses it as much as his condition, and that subtlety is given the name of that spirit, and perhaps some of the heirs imagine It is the same spirit that was delivered to that Prophet, and it is the same spirit, and the images are different, but this is not the case, and the speec

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A person’s knowledge of himself and his rank cannot be known except from the image, and from here someone who has no ability to possess divine knowledge imagines that he is a prophet or has attained the rank of prophets of the laws. This is why some of the gentlemen of God’s men said, “God has made you a Sufi hadith scholar, and He has not made you a Sufi scholar, for it is most likely that you will be.” By virtue of the previous principle, unless God protects us, it is obligatory for us to know the place we have among the prophets, lest we be among those who are not in this regard, especially when God says, “And if We had made him an angel, We would have made him a man, and We would have clothed them with what they wear, even if there were angels on earth, walking in tranquility.” We sent down to them from heaven a king and a messenger. If he had been a man, he would have appeared in the form of an angel due to the required confusion, which is the image of their work, so that it

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Where are the rest of the saints ?

The answer is in the light behind the veil of the facial glorifications of lights and darkness in a light mixed between them, like the light of the dawn, which is the cover. As for the believers, they are in the general light concealed in and from the darkness of the veil .

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