The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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The effects of destiny, which are a sign of the existence of truth, and there is no evidence more evident to a thing than itself. So truth was not known by anything other than itself, but rather it was known by itself and the relation of existence to these entities. We have said that this is the effect of destiny, so we know destiny by its effect and we know truth by its existence. This is because destiny is a special, unknown relation, and truth Existence, so it is valid to relate knowledge to truth, and it is not valid to attach knowledge to destiny, for our knowledge of the appearance of appearance in the eye is the same as our knowledge of truth, and destiny is arranged between the essence and truth in terms of its appearance, it is not known at all, and its ruling in appearances is the ruling of time in the world of bodies, so this is why most investigators call it intelligible times.

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We have informed you that time is an intelligible ratio that does not exist or non-existent, and it is in beings. Thus, time is most important in the absence of knowing it or imagining it, so it will never be attained. The Mighty Messenger of God, peace be upon him, often asked about destiny until the Almighty Truth said to him, O Mighty, if you ask about it. I will erase your name from the collection of prophecy, and it brings close to it the question about the causes of things in their formations, for the actions of truth should not be explained, for there is no positive cause for the formation of a thing except the essence of the existence of the essence and the acceptance of the essence of the possible for the emergence of existence. For eternity does not accept the question about the causes, and that can only come from an ignorant person. By God

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The reason for which the knowledge of predestination was neglected is that it has a relation to the essence of truth and a relation to decrees, so glory be to know the exaltation of the essence, and glory be to be ignorant of the relation of decrees, for He is the known and unknown, so He gave the assignment in the world, so the world became preoccupied with what they were assigned, and forbade seeking knowledge of decree, and does not know except by approximating the truth. His witnesses are special witnesses to the knowledge of this so-called destiny, so God’s saints and servants do not seek his knowledge due to the prohibition against seeking it. So whoever disobeys God and seeks it from God while he does not know by intellectual consideration, then there is nothing left but for him to know by the path of divine revelation, and the truth does not come close to disobeying it by disobeying it. And the seeker of this knowledge has disobeyed him in seeking it, so It is attained thr

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The interpretation of destiny is the same as its control over quantities, just as weight controls the weighted and the scale is a ratio linking the weighted and the weight by which the weighted quantity and the weighted quantities are determined regardless of their differences. So the truth is that He placed the scale and said, “And We do not send it down except in a known quantity, and the one to whom it was revealed deserves it, so everything is according to His decree, that is, by His judgment and destiny.” That is, its weight, which is the designation of a moment, whether its time, or a time, or an attribute, or whatever it was. So it appears that the reason for folding the knowledge of predestination is an intrinsic cause, and if things are required for their essence and not for their necessities or accidents, it is not valid for them to be changed as long as their essence and essences have permanence in themselves, not for themselves, so the existence of knowledge of them is

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For what is folded ?

The answer is this is a test question. If the questioner is knowledgeable, then there is some information that can be explained, and some that cannot be explained. This applies to information, so how about what is not known? How can it be possible to explain ignorance of it ?

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As for those who believe that destiny is known to those above the rank of messengers from among the angels or to whomsoever God wills from among His creation, about which we have no knowledge of the types of His creation, then it is dismissed so as not to share the truth in knowing the facts of things through knowledge of them, since if any known thing was known, it would be through knowledge of knowledge. All of its aspects are as the Truth teaches him, since the knowledge of the Truth is distinguished from the servant’s knowledge of that thing, and we are not obligated to this equality in what he learned of it, for the discussion of what he learned of it is based on that, for the servant is ignorant of how knowledge is absolutely related to his known, so it is not valid for him to share with the Truth in knowledge of a known thing. Among the information is knowledge of knowledge, and there is no aspect of information except that destiny has a ruling that only God knows. If desti

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