The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Nor by existence, which is the awareness of the hearts, from what was mentioned, for the possible beings are not infinite in darkness from their essence, and we do not know anything unless they are a manifestation of its existence, which is what the possible benefits from, which is His Almighty’s saying, “On light from his Lord.”

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So He created here in the sense of destiny. God Almighty said, “And He created everything, and He determined it with a decree.” He destined them, and they were not a manifestation, but they were capable of being estimated. The first divine effect on creation is estimation before their existence, and that they are characterized by being manifestations of the truth, so the divine determination in their right is like an engineer bringing to light what he wants to show from what he invents in his mind. Of the matters, the first effect in that image is what the engineer envisioned without an example, and the sign of this position is his saying, “He manages the matter, detailing the signs, so that you may be certain of meeting your Lord.” That is, your transition from the existence of this world to the existence of the Hereafter is closer in knowledge, if you are certain of your transition from a state of non-existence to a state of existence, then you are In the darkness within you, an

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Then God Almighty, in the afterlife, if God wanted to change the earth, the creation would be in darkness without the bridge, so the darkness would awaken them between every two places. If God wanted to create them in another world, that is, He would create them in another origin that was not in their eyes, so they would know that the conditions upon them changed that they were under the rule of the All-Powerful. So, in their state of existence, they are like their state in non-existence. This is why the Almighty God alerted our minds with His Almighty’s saying, “And man does not remember that We created him before, and he was not a thing.” That is, We destined him in the state of his will, upon which his command was directed to another thing, according to the Almighty’s saying, “Our saying about a thing is only if we will it.” If not That we say to him “be” is an existential word from Genesis, so he called it something in a state in which there was not the objectivity that was ne

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What is their story there, meaning the story of the created beings ?

The answer is their story there, waiting for the garments of the truth to cover them with the light of existence. Every created being has a light according to his destiny from which it will be spent, and it is the light in which they will walk on the Day of Resurrection.

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For on the Day of Resurrection there will be no light at all, and people will not run on it except in their light, and none of them will walk with anyone other than him in his light, as

Peace be upon him said, give good news to those who walk in darkness to the mosques with complete light on the Day of Resurrection .

It is the combination of the two lights, between their hidden light in their eyes that appears there, and the hidden light in the darkness of the night, for which the lamp acts in banishing that darkness through the walker .

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The mosque is the house of God, which one seeks to seek in prayer with Him. Likewise, this light is only for them at the time when they are called to see their Lord, which they have sought here, so they walk at that time in the light that was concealed in the darkness in which they sought in the morning and evening prayers to the mosques, and their waiting is waiting. In this case, they are not described in that darkness with knowledge, because being described with knowledge is dependent on existence, and they do not exist. Rather, they are in their objectivity that is subject to the statement of creation .

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And when he made darkness a circumstance for creation, he said likewise, and he brought something that indicates the circumstance, so they are capable of estimation. And if his saying “in darkness” is in the position of the circumstance of the Creator, then what is meant by it is the blindness that has air above it and what is below it .

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