The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

This saying does not define the matter as what is required by the face of truth in it, and that is to look at the ranks, and if they require virtue, then you look at which rank is more general and greater than the other, then the one who is characterized by it is better, so the superiority of the leaders of the ranks due to the ranks may increase, and some people prefer others to something that contains that. Credit, for credit in this regard is not considered in terms of it being an increase, but rather it is considered in terms of considering increases that have honor in custom and reason, such as knowledge, carpentry, tailoring, knowledge of legal rulings, and knowledge of what is appropriate for the glory of God, and each of them does not know the knowledge of the other, so it is said that the carpenter is preferred over the monotheist with this evidence of carpentry. It is not said in terms of pride and praise, but rather in terms of increase, and it is said that the excellen

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And we add to that addition, so we say in His saying, “We preferred some of the prophets over others,” that is, we made in each of them attributes of glory and honor that we did not place in the other. Some of them increased over others in the attributes of honor and ranks with which they preferred some over others, which in our view is a comparison. Because of their connection to the divine names and divine truths, it is not valid to compare the divine names for two reasons. The same thing is that the names attribute them to the essence in a single relationship, so there is no comparison in it. If the ranks preferred one another according to the divine truths on which they were based, the credit would fall on the names of God, so some divine names would be better than others, and this would not be said. The generality of the name does not indicate its superiority, because the superiority only occurs in what is likely to be accepted, so it is not used in acceptance, or in what may

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As for the childish issue that exists between people and their disagreement regarding the superiority of angels over humans, I asked the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, about that in the incident, and he told me that angels are better. So I said to him, O Messenger of God, if you ask what is the evidence for that, then what should I say? He indicated that you have known. I am the best of people, and it has been proven true among you and proven, and it is true, that I said about God Almighty that He said: Whoever remembers me in himself, I will remember him in myself, and whoever remembers me in a gathering, I will remember him in a better group than them.

And how many people remember God Almighty, mentioning him in a group in which I am, so he mentioned him. God is in a better assembly than the one I am in. I was not pleased with anything as much as I was pleased with this issue, for there was a lot of it on my heart, and if I pondered the words o

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And all of this is in the language of detail. As for the facts, there is no comparison or better for the connection of persons with the ranks and the connection of the ranks with the divine names, and if it has rejoicing in itself and its perfection, then its rejoicing in the manifestation of its effects in the apparent appearances is more complete than rejoicing in the manifestation of its authority, as the indication is given in the statement of the speaker translated about it, when he spoke with its tongue from a metaphor. We are far from God in His words, and it is a metaphor that implies abundance.

We are in the seat of pleasure, but *** it is only through how much pleasure is achieved

The seat of pleasure has the presence of the Self and the completeness of pleasure has what its realities give in appearances, which is His saying, “How much,” and that is for the perfection of existence and knowledge, not for the perfe

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God created creation in darkness

The answer is like his saying, “By God, He brought you out from the wombs of your mothers knowing nothing, and He gave you hearing, sight, and hearts. These are lights in you by which you perceive things. You only perceived what He put in you, and what He made in you except you. Existence and you are of that existence through which the non-existent and that which is not characterized by non-existence are perceived .

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