The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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The verses of this question are from the Qur’an, not the sun, it is necessary for it to overtake the moon, and His saying, “And We have ordained the moon in stations,” and His saying, “So I do not swear by the five,” and His saying, “And the sky with signs to its end, and the orbit on the pole.” Part eighty has ended.

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If you say, then with what do they begin the monologue ?

We said in the answer according to the motive and reason for it, and that is that when the Truth sits them in these gatherings that we mentioned, then the Truth only sits them in them after knocking, opening, and opening, and that is because they heard the Truth saying, “O you who have believed, when you speak to each other.” The Messenger, “So give charity before your conversation before me.” Then he said, “Do you not fear that you will offer charity before your conversation before me?” And he said in the Messenger’s revelation of the status of truth itself. “O you who have believed, respond to God and to the Messenger.” If he called you and said, “Whoever obeys the Messenger has obeyed God, because through him he calls to Him, Glory be to Him,” and he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said the Word. Goodness is charity

And he said, “There will be a charity for every greeting from the son of Adam.

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So, if the servant wants to seek advice from his Lord, then he should present himself in the hands of his seeker for his own sake, for talk is a listener and a speaker, and if the slave does not hear the truth, then it is impossible for him to be able to understand the words of God, and if the truth is not the servant’s tongue when he talks, then it is impossible for his talk to be truthful, as it should be. He addresses God with it, so the Truth is pleading with himself with his own soul, and the servant is the object of benefit because they are existential matters and all of existence is his essence, and the servant is giving charity with himself over himself because it is the best of alms as an opening to the pleas of his Lord. So the occasion between the pleas and what they opened with was the fact that the charity was returned to him and the fact that the truth was a plea between him and him, so he only heard the truth. The truth, and do not give charity to the slave except t

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As for the doctrine of Al-Tirmidhi, what they begin the monologue with is their being clothed with pride, then they strip themselves of some of it in a special way and leave behind what is appropriate for the words of truth to be heard and the truth to be spoken so that the conversations are valid, so starting with the servant is the priority in this situation, and it is a correct approach, and this is it. The positive motive, which we mentioned first, is the subjective motive, so the prayer of this sect in this situation is in the same position as prayer in the public, for it is from this presence that we mentioned that the obligation of it came out according to the Sunnah of the Messengers for the servants, and it was prescribed to say “Allahu Akbar” for what we mentioned, and prayer is a monologue.

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Among the people of God are those who make the consequences of matters an opening and return them first, if what is sought is the exact consequences, like one who seeks shade. The first thing that occurs for him is the existence of the ceiling, and it is the last thing that the action occurs because its existence is dependent on the existence of things, so if it is one of the things whose existence is not dependent on anything. The essence of the consequence is the same as the precedent, so the beginning of the action is with the consequence, and it is a strange method that we worked upon and we were saved in this situation, but the dialogue must be as we decided by hearing the truth and speaking the truth, because the truth refuses for anyone other than itself to speak to it or for anyone other than itself to hear it. I have informed you of what people begin the dialogue with. Councils and Hadith

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If you say with what they conclude it with,

Let us say in the answer with the status that gives them that opening, and the opening is different, so the ending is also different, so it is not restricted except that then there is a comprehensive matter, which is the pause between the two names, between the name that is separated from it and the name that is taken from it, for between them is It is a hidden divine name by which the seal is placed and only those who gather and have hadith feel it. It is a presence that applies to all existing beings, but it is not felt due to its subtlety. Like the line dividing the shadow and the sun, it is understood but not perceived by the senses. It is the boundaries between things. Each of those between them has a special aspect, despite the fact that it is indivisible, so it is in itself. With everything limited, this is why it is difficult to find the subjective limits, unlike the formal and verbal limits that are in the hands of scholars.

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And know that the matter in anecdote is a circle that turns in the direction of its beginning, so the essence of the seal is the essence of the opening, so it is divided between the first and the last, the apparent and the hidden, so if it begins, it is the apparent, then

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