The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In whose language these words were revealed, then we are among those who distort words from their proper meanings and among those who distort them after they have understood them, while they know that they differ from them, and we acknowledge ignorance of the nature of these lineages, and this is the belief of the predecessors as a whole, without dissent in that .

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If what we have mentioned regarding these two legitimate attributions to the truth is established in your opinion, and you are required to turn your heart and your worship to these two ascriptions, then do not deviate from them if you are perfect, or to one of them if you are descending from this level of perfection, either for what the theologians say about God in terms of their minds or for what you imagine. Their minds fall short in comparing the truth to His creation, so these people are ignorant, and these people are ignorant, and the truth is in combining the two. The information was mentioned in human creation that God created Adam in His image.

And it was mentioned in the Qur’an that God created him with His own hands in a manner of honor due to the presumption of the situation when Satan learned of that. When he claimed honor for Adam due to his upbringing, he said: What prevented you from prostrating to what I created with my hands? It is not permissible here to

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So these two ratios directed at the creation of man, the ratio of exaltation and the ratio of resemblance, so the sons of Adam came out for this in three levels: perfect, and he is the one who combines these two ratios, or he stands with the evidence of his mind and the consideration of his particular thought, or he is similar to what he gave him the verbal word, and there is no fourth for them among the believers, so there is no comparison or deviation. Except in terms of the attribution of the imaginary divine revelation in

His saying, peace be upon him, “Worship God as if you see Him”

In this, it is the comparison with the deity, and the deviation from this opposition, either through exaltation, which is the deviation of the theologians, or through limited resemblance, which is a deviation. Al-Mujasimeen and Al-Kamal are the people who say both matters .

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And this Presence that we mentioned contains sixty-three hundred stations, of which thirty-six are mothers, and what remains is descending from these thirty-six, all of which come to the people of the witnesses from the name eternity, for God is eternity, and there is no illusion from this statement of known time, which is counted by the movements of the spheres, and we can imagine degrees from that. For the sphere traversed by the planets, that is time, and our talk is only in the name of eternity and its stations from which time and time appeared upon investigation. We have made you aware that it is a relation, not an existential matter, and that it is to the newly created what eternity is to the ancient. These stations occur to the people of the witnesses if they compare them to themselves in terms of their creation in the form. Likewise, time corresponds to eternity. And eternity is opposed to eternity, and it is not one of them when confronted with a view to a fundamental uni

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The home of the perfect servant is between these two ratios, corresponding to each of them by itself, for it is not divided in itself, and what is not divided cannot be described as corresponding to each ratio with a different thing with which it contrasts the other, and then there is only His essence, like the individual essence between the two substances or two bodies, corresponding to each one of what is between them. In itself, because that which is indivisible does not have two different aspects according to the rule of reason, and if the illusion imagines that, likewise the human being, in terms of his reality and niceness, corresponds with himself to the Truth in terms of his lineage of exaltation, and in this same way he contrasts the Truth in terms of the attribute of the divine descent to be characterized by the attributes that give the illusion of resemblance, which is the other ratio. Just as the truth that is described by these two ratios is one in itself and its sing

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This is the correspondence to the truth from all the lineages, despite their abundance. Even if they are many, they are due to these two lineages, and they are not something additional to the essence of what is described by them. For all is one essence, and then all my existence. Rather, we brought it in terms of the lineages, and it has no entities, so the essence of the truth is one and the eye is from The slave is one, but the slave's eye is fixed and has not departed from its origin nor emerged from its metal, but it has been covered

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