The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Because he was made ihram, he was prevented from many things that he used to do during the time of his lawfulness, so he was forced to remove the curtain that requires prohibition so that he would not combine the two prohibitions of covering and ihram .

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Return to the origin, for the origin is that there is no veil or cover, and the origin is that the eye is proven, not its existence, and it is still described with this adjective, and by its acceptance of hearing the speech, if it is addressed by an adjective, then it is ready to accept the attribute of existence, hastening to see the object of worship. When He said to it, in the event of its absence, “Be,” it appeared by itself, and it did not appear and existed. She is not restricted to her in the image of her being humiliated in the glory of her appearance. She does not know what the hijab is, nor does she know it .

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When the levels became clear to the visible and nature influenced scarcity in animals and its abundance in the reality of man’s soul due to the abundance of reason and the control of the spiritual and sensory powers that God bestowed upon him in his upbringing, the jealousy that accompanies natural scarcity arose, and the animal was most jealous because the power of scarcity and illusion in it is stronger than in anything else, and the mind. There is no appropriate relationship between him and jealousy in reality, and that is why God created him in man to ward off the power of lust and passion that lead to the rule of jealousy in him. Jealousy from seeing someone else who is similar to him competing with him in what he seeks to achieve or is achieving is one of the things that if one person achieves it is not in the possession of others, and God has created him to have this. Eagerness and greed for everything to be His and under His rule to demonstrate the ruling of the authority

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The perfect mind knows that he was created for his Lord and not for anyone else, and he knows in himself that whoever created him cannot compete with him in a matter or oppose him in a ruling, so he says, “He is what he is in himself, so there is nothing like him, and I am what I am in my soul.” Examples of my kind: He has nothing to do with what I am except control, and I do not have anything to do with what he is except acceptance of the ruling, so there is no competition or jealousy. As a rational person is, if he is under the authority of his mind, he is not jealous, because he was not created except for God, and God is not jealous of him. If the rational person is jealous, he is jealous only in terms of Because of his faith, he is jealous of God, and it has a specific limit that the Shariah has prescribed for him, which he does not exceed. Every jealousy that exceeds that limit is beyond the rule of reason, stemming from the scarcity of nature and the rule of desires, to the

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We know that the Legislator is God, and that the Messenger is a person who communicates God’s wisdom regarding what God has shown him. He does not speak according to his own whims. It is only a revelation that is revealed. God speaks about Himself, and your Lord is not forgetful, and the evidence of reason indicates to him. God is more jealous than His servants, and He has not decided The laws are except for what brings about the interest in the world, so they cannot be added to or subtracted from, and no matter what is added or subtracted from them or if one does not act according to what He has decided, the system of God’s intended interest has been distorted in the laws He revealed and the rulings He decided.

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So God permitted his slave women to go to the mosques, and some people thought that if the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, had seen what women had done after him, he would have prevented the women from going to the mosques just as the women of the Children of Israel were forbidden. They saw that God did not know that such a thing would happen to His servants, since He was the lawgiver, Glory be to Him, and no one else, so they preferred. They looked at God’s ruling to the point that some of them were jealous of his wife to go out to the mosque, and he was strong in using his faith. The woman loved to go to the mosque to pray and was extremely beautiful. He was prevented by the news contained in the prohibition of preventing women from going to the mosques, and he found this to be severe. If it were possible, God would reverse the ruling. For this person, in this matter, his view favored the ruling of God and the prohibition of women from going to mosques, which i

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