The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Also know that the woman only disagreed with the man in most of the rulings on Hajj because she is part of him, even if they are combined in humanity, but they are distinguished by something incidental to them, which is the masculinity for the man and the femininity for the woman

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She was created passive of him, so that he longs for her with the longing of the one who demonstrated his sovereignty through her. He loves her with the love of the one who gave him the degree of sovereignty, and she longs for him and loves him with the longing of a part for the whole, which is the longing for the homeland because it is her homeland, with what is added to that of every one being a subject for his lust and pleasure, and the woman may attain perfection. The degree of men, and the man may descend in inferiority to something less than the degree of inferiority that the woman has, and they may come together in rulings of worship and separate .

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However, the prevailing opinion is that a man’s mind is preferred over a woman’s mind because he has reason about God before a woman’s mind because he is her precedence in existence and the divine command is not repeated. So the scene that happened to the earlier one cannot happen to the later one, because we said that the Almighty does not appear in a form twice or to two people in a form. One for divine expansion, and this is the degree to which a man is greater than a woman, and where is the whole from the part, even if it joins it in perfection, but it is a specific perfection, just as some parts of a human being are joined, if they are cut off as part of blood money, the person is destroyed in their completeness, and some parts are half of that and less, so each part does not join the whole in all. Grades

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So the stitched garment was forbidden for the man during ihram, but it was not forbidden for the woman. Even if the man was created from a complex, he is closer to the simple ones, so he is the closest relative. And the woman was created from a certain compound, so she was created from the man, so she was further away from the simple ones than the man. And the stitched one is a composite, so it was said to her: “Keep on your origin.” And it was said to the man, “Remove your composition,” so he was ordered to strip away the stitched fabric and approach something simple that has no stitching. And if it is a complex garment, then it is a woven garment, but it is closer to being worn out than it is to a shirt, trousers, or any stitched garment, and the fabric is simple. So what is close to it is treated in the same way as it is, and what is far from it is distinguished in the ruling from what is close . p>

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Then the man, who is Adam, was created in his image, and Eve was created in the image of Adam, and the children were created from the mixing of the two parents, not from one of them, but from the sum of sense and illusion, so the preparation of the children was stronger than the preparation of the parents, because the son combined the preparation of the two, so the complete perfection of the son is greater than the perfection of the father, and for this reason Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was singled out for the most complete perfection because he was a son, and every son in his upbringing has this perfection, except that in perfection they differ because of the upward movements, the luminous omens, and the happy conjunctions. So every son has this second perfection in addition to his upbringing. This is another minute given to him by the special divine aspect in the manifestation for the reason that This son is from him, and that aspect is designated by a divi

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Whoever had a father and a mother and an all-encompassing, special, divine name of high rank was more perfect than the one who had a father and a mother and a divine name that was inferior to him in comprehensiveness and degree. And whoever had an imaginary, ideal mother and father resembled his maternal grandfather, since he had no father, like Jesus, peace be upon him, so his characteristic was the characteristic of his grandfather, Adam. His issuance of the command is based on the divine definition, and he said that the likeness of Jesus before God is like the likeness of Adam, that is, the divine name by which Adam was found and Jesus was found. He created him from the dust of the conscience. It goes back to Adam, so Jesus is the brother of Eve and he is the son of her daughter, and whoever is from a father without a mother falls short of the level of his father, like Eve. It was created from the short, so its crookedness was shortened, its straightness, so its curvature was o

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There is nothing in the world that is upright according to those who know God and are aware of the secrets of God in His creation. This has been made clear to us in the Almighty’s saying, “He gave every thing its creation, and He is the perfection of that thing, so nothing is lacking in it, and the reason for that is the fact that we were created according to He has absolute perfection, so we liken the restriction to its absoluteness, for the absolute restriction is undoubtedly a restriction, since by it it is distinguished from the restricted, and nothing comes from the perfect except that, despite its befitting perfection, for nothing in the world is fundamentally incomplete, were it not for the symptoms that generate diseases, man would wander in the image of the world as the world wanders and watches. In it, it is the garden of truth, and the names are its possessions by participation. Every name has a share in it. This is what the facts give. Perfection for things is a subjec

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