The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The book describes the inward traveler and the outgoing traveler as well, and the separator between the two walks is the full moon night, which is the night of the middle of the twenty-eighth, the fourteenth night of the attained month, and the night of secrets from it, and the light in it is ever-perfect, for it has two aspects, and its manifestation is necessary and inseparable from it. Either in one aspect, or in The two faces, with an increase and a deficiency in every face, for He has perfection from Himself, which is necessary, and He has an increase and a deficiency from the fact that He has two faces, so whenever He increases in one face, He decreases in another face, and He is for a wisdom decreed by the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.

And in the palms of our scales is an example for you *** and you are a tongue in it if you understand.

If one of them outweighs her sister

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Glory be to Him, He made the addition of night to destiny, not day, because night is similar to unseen, and destiny can only be unseen because it is in the soul of a person, and day gives manifestation. If it had been during day, the ruling would have appeared out of place and appropriate, for action in the apparent only appears in the form of what is in the soul, so it came out. From absence to testimony in relation to God, and from non-existence to existence in relation to creation, it is a night in which every matter is separated by a Wise One, and the matter is revealed to it by one eye, then it is differentiated in it according to the details he gives it, just as you say in speech that it is one in that it is speech, then it is differentiated in the one speaking it according to the circumstances. What he speaks with is news, intelligence, report, threat, command, prohibition, and other types of speech with his oneness, for it is the night of decrees for things and decrees tha

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Its sign is the erasure of lights with its light and making it a circle that moves throughout the months and days of the week so that each month takes its share of it, and likewise each day of the week, just as Ramadan was made to revolve around the solar months so that each solar month takes the virtue of Ramadan, so the virtue of Ramadan extends to the seasons of the year. All of them. If our obligatory fasting were in the solar months, this generalization would not have spread. Likewise, Hajj is the same, and so is zakat. Its period is not specific, but rather begins from the time the money is acquired by the taxpayer. There is not a day in the year that is not the beginning of a year for the owner of money. The year does not cease without all of its days subject to zakat, which is purity and blessing. All people are blessed with zakat every day, including both those who paid zakat and those who did not .

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Rather, the light of the sun was erased from the body of the sun on the morning of its night, indicating that night is the time of its arrival and day is the time of the manifestation of its rulings. For this reason, it will receive night as a glorification of it. So whoever misses its realization at night, let him watch the sun. If he sees the sign, he will supplicate with what he would have supplicated during the night if he had known it, for the erasure of the sun’s light is due to its light. Like the light of the stars when the sun appears, there is no light left for it in the eye. Thus, the doctrine of those who make dawn the red of twilight is strengthened, according to God Almighty’s saying, “It is until the beginning of dawn,” that is, until the beginning of dawn. That fate is what distinguishes the limit of the night from the day. The rising dawn. What is that dawn on the Night of Decree in terms of light? The sun, but it is the light of the Night of Destiny that appeared

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So you see the sun rising on the morning of Laylat al-Qadr as if it were a bowl with no ray of light due to the presence of light, like the rising of the moon which has no ray. I only mentioned that to you so that you may know by what light it is illuminated on the morning of Laylat al-Qadr, so you will know that the judgment in all lights belongs to the one who illuminated the heavens and the earth and who sent down the lights. It lacks a substance, which is the lamp, so if the Truth sends down its light in the simile to a lamp, and it is a light that lacks a substance that supplies it, which is the oil, then what is higher than it of lights is closer to the simile and higher in transcendence, but the Truth informed us of that and came with the sufficient description in

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