The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Al-Muttalib on the authority of Aisha, who said that when Ramadan began, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, would tighten his apron and would not go to bed until Ramadan had ended.

Muslim also narrated on her authority that she said that when the ten days of Ramadan began, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, would It means the last ten days of Ramadan. He revived the night, woke up his family, found and tightened the apron.

And the night prayer is an expression of prayer during it. This is what is known from the night prayer according to the legal custom, and people in communicating with the Truth during it are divided into two categories. Some of them address him with the name “al-Masaka” and it is also from the veil. The name is Ramadan, and some of them call him with the unjust name, and it is also one of his veils, and people differ in their circumstances .

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If my deeds had not competed with the Most Gracious *** I would not have competed with Him for formation, my brothers.

He says, “Be” and the existence of the universe is not for us ***, and there is no second thing to it in the existence of the universe .

He says, “Fast,” and if we fast, *** says this to us. Fasting is for us, so where are my notables?

If you tell me that I did not address you with what is mine*** I have witnesses to the assignment who have made me hear.

You listened to me, then after listening you deprived me *** Fasting is for me and for you in the Sharia.

If you deprive me of it, then that is your business. *** In fasting, what is in the investigation is my business.

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And the name of the one who breaks the fast during the night of the month of Ramadan is stronger in ruling on us than the one who abstains. So whoever is in a state of abstinence, his Lord will feed him and give him water to drink in his home, if he does not apparently eat or drink, then he is breaking the fast, even if he is fasting, and I have tasted this, and from here I learned that < / p>

His saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, “I am not like your appearance. I refused to let my Lord feed me and give me drink”

He denied that the group to whom he addressed resembled him, but they did not have this situation, since if he had wanted the entire nation, I would not have tasted it, and I found it delicious, and praise be to God. And if he is not one of those whom his Lord feeds and waters when he continues his fast, then he is an intruder on the one who has this characteristic, and he is like someone who wears a false garment. Therefore, it is disliked for

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So if God addresses the servant in this specific time regarding the specific divine state, then he must bring with him the complete presence that does not turn to anything else with his assembly, so he will speak to him in every movement and stillness of his, with sense in that he is the inner, and meaning in that he is the apparent, since the sense is apparent and the meaning is Inwardly, the meaning does not exist except between the hands of the apparent, for if it were to arise between the hands of the inner and the meaning is the inner meaning of the letter, which is the sensed and the sensed, then the existence of the thing would be in the hands of itself, and the thing would not exist in the hands of itself because it arose for benefit and the thing does not benefit from itself itself . /p>

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Do you not see the revelation of the truth to teach and make known to us, and He is the All-Knowing of all things, what was and will be, and yet He foretold a truth that we do not want to teach us what is the matter upon Him, and that judgment depends on the circumstances, so He lowered Himself to the status of a beneficiary and made His speech useful to Him, and said, “And We will certainly test you until We know the Mujahideen.” Of you and those who are patient, even though He knows what will happen among them, but the situation prevents us from establishing proof for Him, Glory be to Him, and He said, “And to Allah belongs the ultimate proof.” So the test left no one with an argument against God, so with that test he decided the possibility of their saying, if he ruled with his knowledge about them, for them to say, “If you test us, you will find us standing at your borders,” and this is called the knowledge of experience. It is the name of the All-Knowing, in the Almighty’s sa

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For this reason We made the outside of the servant speak to the inner name, and the inside of the servant to speak to the apparent name, and a beneficiary rises before him, and he gives him what he wants to give him. So if you see the beneficiary benefiting in his rise, he violates the customs perceived by the senses, which are called the honors of the saints in general, and the verses of the prophets and messengers, peace be upon them, then that is the gift of the apparent name. And if you see that he has benefited from knowledge and wisdom that minds are confused about or reject or accept in terms of what he perceives with the thinking power, then all of that is the gift of the inner name, so pay attention to what I have alerted you about and advised you to learn with whom you are conversing and do not confuse, lest you be confused, for God says, “And We clothed them with what they clothe,” and He said, “And they plotted, and God plotted,” then he denied. Deception on their part

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