The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Anas on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Whoever contemplates the appearance of a woman until he can see the size of her bones from behind her clothes while fasting has broken his fast

Kharash This is unknown because he was narrating it from a newspaper he had and this hadith is from it and the one he narrated from him. Weak, as stated by our Sheikh Abu Muhammad Abd al-Haqq

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His fasting is forbidden according to us, and according to us it is one of the six days on which fasting is forbidden, which are this day, the day of Eid al-Fitr, the day of Eid al-Adha, and the three days of al-Tashreeq

Al-Tirmidhi narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah, who said that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: If he remains Half of Shaban, so do not fast

Abu Issa said this is a good and authentic hadith

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Since the night of the middle of Sha`ban was a night in which the Angel of Death wrote to the Angel of Death who would take his soul in that year, he would write a black line on the name of the wretched person and a white line on the name of the happy one, by which the Angel of Death would know the happy one from the wretched one, so the death of this person was witnessed because it is the time of looking at deadlines and conjuring them up. The believer who does not have this knowledge, if the night of the sixteenth follows it, and the one who has these witnesses or the one who summons him does not stop observing death, then he is counted in his state among the children of the afterlife, and with death the obligation is dropped, so he is not in a state in which he can fast overnight because he witnesses the state of the attribute that interrupts deeds, so he remains drunk as a result of this witnessing. Until the beginning of Ramadan, he is prohibited from fasting the middle, and

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Some of the scholars from the scholars of the sixteenth Zahir have singled out that it is a place for the prohibition of fasting in which I remember, which is that he, may God have mercy on him, cited an authentic hadith

The group of Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Khalaf bin Saf Al-Lakhmi and Abu Al-Qasim Abd al-Rahman bin Ghalib al-Qamari narrated to him. And Abu Al-Walid Jabir Ibn Abi Ayyub Al-Hadrami and Abu Al-Abbas Ibn Miqdam, all of these said, Abu Al-Hasan Shurayh Ibn Muhammad Ibn Shurayh Al-Ra’ini Al-Muqri told us, he said Abu Muhammad Ali Ibn Ahmad told us, Abdullah Ibn Al-Rabi’ told us, he said Omar Ibn Abd Al-Malik told us, he said Muhammad Ibn Bakr told us, he said, Abu Dawud narrated to us Qutaybah bin Saeed narrated to us Abd al-Aziz bin Muhammad al-Darawardi narrated to us, he said: Abbad bin Katheer came to the city and went to the mosque of al-Alaa bin Abd al-Rahman, took it by the hand and established it, and said, Oh God, this is narrated on the authority of his

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Abu Muhammad said, “People disliked fasting after the middle of Sha’ban in general, but the correct and certain statement based on the wording of this report is the prohibition of fasting after the middle of Sha’ban, and fasting should not be in less than a day, and it is not permissible to base the prohibition on fasting for the rest of the month, since that is not clear.” Shaaban cannot be without thirty or twenty-nine, so if it is thirty, then its full end is fifteen days, and if it is twenty-nine, then its end is in the middle of the fifteenth day. He only forbade fasting after half of the day, so the prohibition of fasting on the sixteenth without a doubt resulted from the words of Abu Muhammad in the book. Al-Muhalla and from it I quoted it, and it is my narration on the authority of this group whom we mentioned in the beginning of the course of the hadith of Al-Ala and others on the authority of Abu Al-Hasan Shurayh bin Muhammad bin Shurayh on his authority, and he is the o

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The scholars, may God be pleased with them, differed regarding fasting on the Days of Tashreeq. Some say that it is permissible to fast on them, and some say that it is permissible to fast during Tamattu’, and some say that it is disliked, and some say that fasting is absolutely forbidden on them. The Days of Tashreeq are the three days that come after the Day of Sacrifice, and they are days of eating, drinking, and remembering God. God Almighty Muslim mentioned in his book on the authority of Nabesha Al-Hudhali, on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, that he said that and this is the characteristic of the people of Paradise. Where this characteristic is present, every work in its ruling will disappear with it except worship, for it is a reality that does not disappear from a person in this world.

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