The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Moses, on the Night of the Night Journey, when the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, met with him and with whomever of the prophets, peace be upon them, gathered. None of the prophets commanded him or warned him to be kind to his nation except Moses, may God bless him and grant him peace, when God imposed on us fifty prayers that night, so no one asked him. Of the prophets, when he returned to them, God did not impose on your nation except Moses, peace be upon him, so he was concerned about us rather than the rest of the prophets, peace be upon them. When the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said to him fifty prayers, Moses, peace be upon him, said to him: “Review your Lord about that.”

Hadith And in it, I continued to go back and forth between my Lord, Blessed and Most High, and Moses, peace be upon him, until he imposed five days in the work and made its reward the reward of fifty, so he reduced the obligation and left the

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When he combined him with Moses in the quality of being kind to us, he associated with him Thursday, which belonged to Moses, peace be upon him, and he would remember the knowledge he had of Adam in fasting Monday, and he would remember Moses in fasting Thursday the mercy he sent to the worlds while they were in a state where they did not eat or drink on it. Because they have departed from this worldly life, and they are not in the world of physical growth that seeks nourishment, but rather they are in an isthmus with no food between the two emergences. So, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when the participation between him and them occurred in what we have mentioned, he wanted to be ambiguous on these two days in which he meets them by abandoning food and drink in agreement. For them, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to devote himself to collecting what led to his meeting with them on these two days, and he made it a fast without considering it merely an abundance

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Since fasting, in relation to the servants, introduces corruption since it is susceptible to that and accepts righteousness as well, then the offer is to the Lord of the worlds and not in the name of anyone else, and the Lord is the reformer, so He will correct whatever corruption has entered into this fast if corruption has entered into it from where he does not realize it, and this ruling is related to the sign. Particularly, it is the indication of God Almighty, and for this reason he said, “On the Lord of the Worlds, of the sign, and the corruption of the sign is only because of the suspicion raised about it in the rational view, and there is no greater suspicion than attributing fasting to God over all other deeds and describing the servant with it.” Then the demonstration occurs, which is the manifestation and revelation that the fasting person has what God has of him. Fasting and what the servant has of it, so the doubt accepted by the mind is removed by divine revelation.

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But if you consider him to be the nurturer of the worlds, meaning their nourisher, then the food of the fasting person in this view is what the truth benefits him in this fast from the knowledge related to these two days of the knowledge of the names and the knowledge of the twelve eyes, which in knowledge is the knowledge of everything other than God, and it is the knowledge of the life by which everyone lives. Something, which is the knowledge that is generated between plants and inanimate objects from the generators with the quality of oppression, for the twelve eyes only appeared by striking the stone with the stick, and twelve eyes burst out of it by that strike. He means the sciences of sight through struggle due to the striking and the sciences of taste, because water is one of the things that is tasted and its taste varies with the taste, so it is known by that. The ratio of life, how was it characterized by what is called an inanimate object, until the truthful one said a

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Fasting on Monday combines morality and truth in the context of witnessing and presence to gain knowledge of the divine names, and fasting on Thursday combines self-preservation and preservation of the four aspects from which misleading suspicions enter upon him, for they are the paths of Satan, from his saying, “Then I will certainly come to them from before them about a matter, and provoke and provoke those who are behind them.” Command and command upon them and their oaths regarding a command and share with them and their left regarding the matter of their promise, and He is the same in the middle, for by Him these four directions were distinguished and the total in this presence was five, so hold fast .

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