The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Some of them stated that there was consensus that someone who entered into a voluntary fast and broke his fast due to an excuse does not have to make up for it, but they differed if he broke it off without an excuse intentionally. Some say that he has to make up for it, and some say that he does not have to make up for it.

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If he engages in an act with the servitude of choice, then he has bound himself to servitude. If he returns to his origin in that obligation, then his rule is the rule of servitude of necessity, so he is obligated to do in voluntary what he is obligated to do in duty. And whoever takes into account the fact that the truth makes this servant voluntary, he says, “The ruling of truth is not removed from me in This action leads to a dispute with the right, as it places the choice in a position of necessity, so it treats it as a choice. If he wishes, he decides by choice as well, and if he wishes, he does not make it up. In this issue, there is a length of consideration. This amount of it is sufficient in this book, as the obligation confirms the servant’s eye, whether he is forced or willing.

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The forgetful person is the one who abandons what he has chosen after what he has chosen. If it was out of a desire of the soul, then it is to be made up for. If it was out of preoccupation with a position, condition, or a divine name, then he is not to make up for it. Here the making up is to judge him according to what he volunteered to do.

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Here is the ruling on the first and the last name. Whoever is placed in the position of the Oneness of his essence fasts on the tenth, then it is the first of the decade. And whoever is placed in the place of the other, divine name, fasts on the ninth day, then it is the last in number, and since fasting, I mean fasting on Ashura, is desirable and was obligatory before it was imposed. Ramadan, despite the difference in its assumption, is valid for it as an obligation and its ruling is that of an obligation. So whoever fasts it, he will attain the nearness of the obligation and the proximity of the one recommended to him, so his companion has two scenes and two manifestations that are known to those who have tasted them, in that he fasted on the day of Ashura.

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Muslim mentioned on the authority of Abu Qatada that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said about fasting on the day of Ashura, he hoped that God would atone for the year before it

So the movement of his day was equal in strength to the strength of the days of the entire year if treated as every day. With what is appropriate for him in the form of worship, fasting is forbidden by his own strength from the one who fasted on behalf of all that he committed in the previous year, so he will not be held accountable for anything that he committed during Ramadan and other virtuous days and nights, even though Ramadan is better than it, as well as the Day of Arafah, the Night of Destiny, and Friday.

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His example is that of the imam if he prays with someone who is better than him, such as Ibn Awf when he prayed with the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, who was deprived of his grace. He bears the oversight of the person being led in prayer, despite the fact that he is better. It is not unlikely that fasting on the day of Ashura may bear the crimes of a criminal during all days of the year, even if you witnessed the matter or were among those who People of revelation, I knew the truth of what we said .

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And what the legislator and the knowledgeable wanted when he said, “I seek reward from God,” he is not saying it out of good faith in God, but rather it is a word of politeness that he uses with God even though he knows from God that He will expiate it. God says, “May God repent to them,” and He, Glory be to Him, knows what He does to His servants, and with this He came with the word “al-Taraji” and “the created being” is more deserving of this description, because it has a reality even if God did not know it. If God knew it, he would remain on the basic principle in good manners with God Almighty .

If you do not see him, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, even though he confirmed that he would die, then God would say to him that you will die and that they will die. Dead people, so how did he make an exception when he came to Al-Baqi’ and stood over the graves and greeted them? He said, “And indeed, God willing, we will follow you.”

So he made an exception

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Al-Bukhari mentioned on the authority of Salamah bin Al-Akwa’ that he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, ordered a man from Islam to call out to the people: whoever has eaten, let him complete the rest of his day, and whoever has not eaten, let him fast, for today is the day of Ashura.

So he made his ruling the rule of those who did not eat. Someone who doubted the first day of Ramadan did not fast overnight and ate, then it was proven that it was Ramadan, so he commanded abstaining and making up for it, and this is an authentic hadith. He said, “Let him complete the rest of his day,” and he did not call him fasting, so this hadith strengthens the hadith about making up for fasting, which Abu Dawud mentioned on the authority of Abd al-Rahman ibn Salamah on the authority of his uncle if he converted to Islam .

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