The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In addition to the rising of the sun, so is truth and falsehood. As for the scum, it disappears in ignorance, and as for what benefits people, it remains, that is, it is established, and it is the true dawn, and what is between them is magic. Just as what is between the two aspects that appear to be doubtful is correct knowledge, it is clear that it is a doubt, so it is distinguished by your knowledge of the truth from it. Falsehood, as characterized by the false dawn returning to the ground and the darkness appearing at that time. That first dawn does not prevent the one who wants to fast from eating. This is why the Arabs called it the sin of the wild animal, because there is nothing more vile than it in wild animals, nor more impossible. For it shows weakness in order to be despised and overlooked, thus achieving its goal of predation. For its sin is similar to it. The sin of a dog makes someone who does not know him imagine that he is a dog and is safe from it. He is like a hy

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So the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, ordered at that time to eat the suhoor meal and said that it is a blessing that God has given you, so he confirmed his command of it by prohibiting us not to abandon it

Just as he declared the command of it, he declared the prohibition of abandoning it and confirmed its obligation, so it resembled the Witr prayer, for it A commanded prayer performed in the manner of the commanded sacrifice is a confirmed Sunnah, and according to some scholars of Sharia, it is obligatory. Eating the suhoor meal is more emphatic than the Witr prayer in the category of prayer, because of what is stated in that declaring the prohibition of abandoning it. It is like searching for doubts until one knows the truth from the falsehood, so this is the blessing that With regard to eating the suhoor meal, the blessing is an addition to all other foods, including the command to eat it and the prohibition of abandoning it, but this ruling d

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Then the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, made it a distinction between the status of the People of the Book and our status. She is either one of those from among the People of the Book who singled out the right for her over all other nations, or from among those who commanded us to preserve it so that we can be distinguished from the People of the Book, since it was revealed to them as it was revealed to us, so they neglected its right as they did. In many things, both views are permissible, and this applies to hastening the breaking of the fast and delaying the suhoor. If we consider that the People of the Book are those who uphold their Book, we know that God has singled us out for the virtue of hastening the breaking of the fast and delaying the suhoor for them, and that He did not reveal that to them, so they were deprived of its virtue, and if we consider that the People of the Book are those to whom a Book was sent down from God, the same. Whether they did

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Then, from its emphasis, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, maintained it and delayed it, and called for it. He enacted it in word and deed

Then he said, “Come to the blessed lunch”

As he said, “Come to prayer,” then he prayed God’s prayers. He, peace and blessings of God be upon him, emphasized his emphasis on that and his giving priority to eating over abandoning it, while verifying by clarifying the impediment, which is the true dawn. If you hear the call for it, if there is someone in the country who knows that it is not called except at sunrise, by which the prayer is valid, like the son of Umm Maktum with the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. If he hears The person who is having suhoor must abandon it, so it was said to him: If you heard it while the vessel was in your hand while you were drinking, then do not cut off a portion of water with this verification until you have fulfilled your need from it, as Hudhayfah s

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Likewise, the name that rules over the servant at the time, if another name over which it has no ruling asks for it, it would be better for the slave not to be separated from this divine name so that he no longer has a ruling over him that demands it from him. If he has finished with his ruling, he receives with politeness that divine name that he also seeks, thus in This world and the afterlife

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As a person who was judged by the name of repentance for an act in which the divine names met in the case of sin, the avenger said, “I am more worthy of it,” and the merciful and forgiving said, “I am more worthy of him.” So the names met in the case of the sinner, meaning the divine name he was judged by and in it, and they found repentance, so the name was strengthened. The one who is merciful to the avenger and said, “This is my representative in the place, for if I had not had mercy on him, he would not have repented.” The avenger refused his request and the merciful accepted it, and repentance began to take him back to his Lord from obedience to obedience after what he used to take from disobedience or disbelief to obedience. This repentant is not isolated because repentance may not It is from a sin, rather it is returned to God in every situation in every obedience. If there is in the place the name of the traitor, which is its ruling on the servant in the event of a

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