The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He wrote the revelation with which I sent My messengers to them, and he confirmed that with the letter “Sin,” meaning responding to what he learned of our refusal to respond to me, that is, for my sake. You do not know that, hoping to obtain what I have, so you will be slaves of a blessing, not my slaves, and they are my slaves, willingly or unwillingly, and they will not be separated from that .


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And let them believe in me and believe in my answer to them when they call upon me, and let their faith be in me and not in themselves, because whoever believes in himself and not in God, his faith will not comprehend what he deserves. So if he believes in me and in the matter his due, then he gives everyone who has a right his due, and this is the one who believes in all the reports, and whoever believes in himself then he believes in what he has given. His evidence, and what I commanded him to believe in, is contradictory in meaning, hesitating between likening and dissembling me. He who believes in himself believes in some and disbelieves in some, with an interpretation and not a refutation. So whoever interprets, his belief is with his mind, not in me. And whoever claims in himself that he knows me more than I do, and he neither knows me nor believes in me, then he is a servant who denies me what I attribute to myself in the best of words. So, if He was asked, saying, “I wante

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He said, “It is permissible for you to fast the night of fasting, that is, the night on which your fasting ends, not the night in which you become fasting. This is a description that accompanies you to the night of Eid al-Fitr, and if adding the night of fasting to the future would not have been the night of Eid al-Fitr in it, then you will not become fasting on the day of Eid, and if you had fasted on it, you would have been.” He is a sinner, and this does not have to be done on the first night of Ramadan, as eating and the like were permissible before that, so it is still subject to the ruling. That is why we made it for past fasting. Conjugation, meaning intercourse with your wives, so he brought women, and he did not say “husbands” or anything else, because in this name there is a meaning regarding women, which is delay, so they were Delay this ruling, which is intercourse during the fasting period, until the night. When night came, the ruling of delaying permissibility was re

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God knew that you were circumcising yourselves out of betrayal because of my testimony against you when you accepted the trust when I presented it to you, so I said about its bearer that he was unjust, ignorant, unjust to himself by entrusting it with what he did not know. And since the ignorant person is blind and astray, he does not know how to put his foot and does not see where to put his foot. He said, “God knew that you were circumcising yourselves when He prohibited for you what He prohibited for you, so He turned to you, that is, He returned to you and pardoned you, that is, with the little that He permitted to you of the time of coming, which is the night, but it was the night.” Make it A little due to the restriction remaining in it regarding the one who is secluded in the mosques without disagreement, and in the non-mosque with disagreement and the one who continues. So now associate with them, which is the time of breaking the fast in Ramadan, and seek what God has ord

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Then complete the fast until nightfall and do not have sexual intercourse with them while you are secluded in the mosques, so remain

Prohibiting sexual intercourse for one in this condition, and also with regard to eating and drinking for one who intends to have intercourse during his fast.

The Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, says Whoever is continuing should continue until dawn

which is the mixing of light and darkness meaning at the time of the appearance of the sin of Sirhan between the two dawns, the oblong and the oblong. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, continued with his companions for two days and they saw the crescent. These are the limits of God which He commanded you to stop at, so do not approach them lest Look at what is behind it, and here is a mysterious knowledge that is known only to those who have been given a taste by divine providence, such as Al-Khidr and others. Perhaps a footstep will slip

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