The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Let us mention, God willing, in this chapter, the rulings on legitimate fasting, its consequences, consequences, types, obligatory and recommended fasts, as we mentioned above regarding its sisters of zakat and prayer in general and specific, according to their classes in that. For us, it has levels, the first of which is the well-known general fasting with which we worship God, which is the fasting that is evident in the witness. In full accordance with its conditions, so if we finish talking about the rulings of the issue that we have mentioned in this regard, we move on to speaking in the language of the elite and their conclusion about the fasting of the soul as it commands the limbs, which is its abstention from what has been prohibited for it in a matter of question and its abstention from that, and the fasting of the heart described as capacity for the divine descent, where < /p

God Almighty said, “My servant’s heart has enlarged for Me ”

So we talk about his f

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Know that the prescribed fasting is obligatory and recommended, and the obligatory of three types of it is what is obligatory due to God Almighty requiring it to begin with, which is fasting the month of Ramadan in which the Qur’an was revealed, that is, in fasting it or a number of other days in the right of the traveler, whether he breaks his fast or does not break his fast with us and with others. If he breaks his fast, the sick person is entitled to, and some of it is obligatory for a necessary reason, which is expiatory fasting, and some of it is obligatory from God due to what a person has made obligatory for himself, and it is not disliked, which is votive fasting, for by it he is extracted from being miserly, and what is then obligatory other than what we mentioned.

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As for what is recommended, some of them are restricted to the desired time, such as fasting the white days, Mondays, Thursdays, and similar days and months, and some are restricted to the situation, such as fasting one day and breaking the fast on another day, which is the most just of fasts, and such as fasting for the sake of God, and some are not restricted to a time, which is for a person to fast whenever he wants, voluntarily doing so.

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Let us mention Ramadan in this regard, and after that we will talk about the rulings on fasting it .

Muslim narrated from the hadith of Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “When Ramadan comes, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and chained.” The Devils

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Since the coming of Ramadan was the reason for us to begin fasting, God opened the gates of Paradise and Paradise is the cover, so fasting entered into a hidden act that no one knows about except God Almighty, because it is abandoned and not an existential act that appears to the sight or works on the limbs, so it is hidden from everything that except God does not know. Who is fasting except God Almighty, and the fasting person is what the Sharia calls the fasting person, not the hungry person .

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And God closed the gates of fire, so if the gates of fire were closed, it returned itself to it, so its heat doubled on it, and it consumed each other. Likewise, the fasting person, in accordance with his nature, if he fasts, closes the gates of his natural fire, and he finds the fasting person excessive heat due to not using refreshments, and he finds the pain of that in his interior, and his desire for food, which he imagines comfort by obtaining, is doubled. The fire of his desire is strengthened by closing the door to eating foods and drinks.

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The devils are chained up, which is an attribute of distance, so the fasting person is close to God with the Samadani attribute, for he is in an act of worship like no other, so he is brought closer to an attribute unlike anything else. They corrupted its blood streams due to hunger and thirst.

That is, these reasons help him to do what he wants from a person in terms of behavior out of curiosity, which is more than legitimate behavior .

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Then know that God has taught you knowledge from Himself and has given you wisdom and judgment in every matter. Indeed, Ramadan is one of the names of God Almighty, and it is the Samad.

The Prophet’s news of this was narrated by Ahmad bin Adi Al-Jurjani from the hadith of Najih Abi Mu’shar on the authority of Saeed Al-Maqbari. On the authority of Abu Hurairah, he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “Do not say Ramadan, for Ramadan is one of the names of God Almighty.

And if this chain of transmission contains Abu Ma’shar, then the scholars of this matter said about him that despite his weakness, he writes his hadith, so consider it, may God be pleased with it. About them and for that reason God said

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