The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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And the pen that is highest in its palette *** write down your beautiful description of it

You are the eye of all, not his eye. *** The closest of you in one respect and the furthest of you .

Beware of being satisfied with what you are satisfied with *** for the sake of what pleases you. < /p p>

Stay true to your origins in everything he wants. Don't forget and he will forget you.

This is the knowledge that came to me *** from someone who said that he is not a fool.

He revealed it about the matter of a sign *** between ascetics and ascetics.

Praise be to God who bestowed upon me*** the knowledge of lights and darks.

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Know, may God help you, that fasting is abstinence and abstinence. It is said that he fasted during the day when he fasted. Imru’ al-Qais said

If he fasted during the day and abstained from it

That is, he fasted and when he fasted. From all other acts of worship in rank, it was called fasting, and He, Glory be to Him, removed it by denying homosexuality from it in acts of worship, as we will mention, and took it away from His servants, despite their worship of it, and added it to Him, Glory be to Him, and made the reward of whoever was characterized by it with His hand from His own self, and attached it to Himself in denying homosexuality.

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It is, in fact, the abandonment of doing no work, and denying homosexuality is a negative attribute, so the relationship between him and God is strengthened. God Almighty said regarding himself, “There is nothing like him,” so he denied that he had a similarity, for He, Glory be to Him, has no equal with rational and legal significance. An-Nasa’i departed from Abu Umamah, saying, “I came to the Messenger of God.” May God’s prayers and peace be upon him, so I said, “Take me a command that I learn from you.” He said, “You must fast, for there is no equal to it.”

So he denied that any of the worships that He prescribed for His servants could be similar to it .

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And whoever knows that it is a negative description, since it means abandoning things that break the fast, knows with certainty that there is no equal to Him, since there is no entity to Him that can describe the existence that makes sense, and for this reason

God Almighty said fasting is for me

So it is the truth. There is no worship, no work, and the name “work” if applied to it is permissible, just as applying the word “existent” to the intelligible truth according to us is permissible, since whoever’s existence is the same as his essence, the relation of existence to him does not resemble the relation of existence to us, for there is nothing like him.

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Muslim narrated in the Sahih on the authority of Abu Hurairah, who said that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: God Almighty said, “Every deed of the son of Adam is for him except fasting, for it is for Me and I will reward for it, and fasting is a shield. So if it is a day when one of you fasts, then he will not commit obscenities on that day, nor will he be arrogant.” If someone insults him or fights him, let him say, “I am a fasting person. Indeed, I am fasting.” By the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, the breath of the mouth of a fasting person is better before God on the Day of Resurrection than the scent of musk. And the fasting person has two joys. He rejoices in them: when he breaks his fast, he rejoices in breaking his fast, and if he meets his Lord Almighty, he rejoices in his fast .

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And know that when he denied homosexuality from fasting, as was proven in the aforementioned hadith from Al-Nasa’i, and the truth is, “There is nothing like it,” the fasting person met his Lord, the Almighty, the Majestic, and it cannot be described. “There is nothing like it,” and he saw it, so he was the visible seer. That is why he, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said that he rejoiced in his fasting and did not say He rejoiced in meeting his Lord, for joy does not rejoice in itself, but rather rejoices in Him. And whoever’s sight was true when he saw and observed Him, he did not see himself except by seeing Him, so the joy of the fasting person corresponds to his rights to the degree of denying similarity, and his joy in breaking the fast in this world was in terms of conveying the right of the animal soul that seeks nourishment for itself. When the knower saw the lack of his animal self. Vegetarianism to Him, and He saw His generosity in the food that was brought to i

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And since the servant was described as one who fasts and he deserved the name of the fasting person with this characteristic, then after fasting was proven to be his, the right was taken away from him and added to himself, and he said, “Except fasting, for it is mine,” meaning the attribute of Samadaniyya, which is abstaining from food, is nothing but mine, and if I described you with it, then I only described you. Considering a restriction, not a restriction of exaltation, not absolute exaltation, which is due to My Majesty, so I said, “And I will reward it,” so it is true that the reward for fasting is for the fasting person if he turns to his Lord and meets him with a description that has no equal, which is fasting, since he does not see anything like him except one who is not like him such-and-such thing. It was stated by Abu Talib al-Makki, one of the leaders of the people of taste, whoever is found in his mount, this is his reward, which necessitated this verse in this c

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