The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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The command to impose an obligation, as stated regarding giving zakat, and the difference between them is that zakat is certain with regard to time, the quorum, and the types to whom it is paid, and the loan is not like that, and zakat has been included here in the obligation, as if he is saying, “And give the zakat as a loan to God with it, and He will multiply it for you, like ”

The Almighty’s saying in The correct report is: I was hungry and you did not feed me. So the servant said to him, “How can you feed me when you are the Lord of the worlds?” Then God said to him, “So-and-so I asked you for food but you did not feed him. However, if you had fed him, you would have found that with me.

The report is well-known and authentic, so a loan that is not included in zakat is not temporary, not in itself. Not in time or in any category .

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The legitimate zakat and charity are two words with the same meaning. God Almighty said, “Take from their wealth charity to purify them and purify them with it.” And God Almighty said, “Alms are only for the poor.” He called it charity. The obligatory ones are called zakat and charity, and the ones that are not obligatory are called voluntary charity, and it is not called zakat according to Islamic law. That is, the Islamic law does not use this word for it. The presence of meaning It contains growth, blessing, and purification.

In the authentic report, when the Bedouin mentioned to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that his Messenger claimed that we owe charity on our money, and he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to him, “He has spoken the truth.” The Bedouin said to him, “Do you have to do anything else?” He said, “No, unless voluntary.”

This is why it is called voluntary charity. He says that God did not oblige it to you, so w

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Although goodness is every act that brings oneself closer to God, such as charity and others, nevertheless, it has been applied to money, especially the name goodness. God Almighty said, “And if goodness touches it in any way, what is the basis for that that supports it? “Shadid” means money here, so he made generosity in it a character, not a character, and that is why he called it charity, that is, a severe burden on the soul because it departed from its nature in doing so, and for this reason the Almighty God made it forget.

By His Prophet’s saying to the souls: Charity falls into the hand of the Most Merciful, and He raises it just as one of you raises his foal or his offspring.

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This is for two reasons, one of which is so that the beggar takes it from the hand of the Most Merciful and not from the hand of the one who gives charity.

The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, says that it falls into the hand of the Most Merciful before it falls into the hand of the beggar.

So it is a blessing. God owes the beggar, not the charity, for God asked him for a loan, and the beggar is an interpreter of the right to ask for this loan. The beggar should not be ashamed if he is a believer from the one who gives charity and does not see that he has a favor over him, for the one who gives charity only gave to God for the loan that he asked from him and that he may raise it for him. This is part of divine jealousy, divine favor, and the other matter. To let him know that it is deposited in a place where it is beneficial for him, and all of this is added so that he can be generous by taking it out and avoid his own miserliness .

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In the nature of man is the desire for profits in trade and the growth of money

This is why the news came that God nurtures alms

so that the servant may give money out of his natural desire for it for the sake of compensation, increase, and blessing because it is zakat. It is also the case with collecting money and the soul's scarcity due to its natural desire for it, so God was kind to him as He did not deviate him from what God created him to do. He sees the merchant traveling to distant, dangerous places that destroy souls and money, and he spends money and gives it the hope of profits, increase, and growth of money, and he is pleased with that, so God asked him to borrow everything, as It has been learned from him that he lends for two-thirds and for half, and his joy at the one who lends him the whole is more complete and greater .

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The miserly person with charity, after this divine definition, and the multiplication of wealth that the souls give him is evidence of this miserly person’s lack of faith in what we have mentioned. If he were a believer, certain of his Lord, believing him in what he told him about himself in loaning his servant and his trade, he would, of course, hasten to that as he hastened. It is in this world with its forms, sooner and later. If a slave lends a person a half or a third, and the lender travels to another country and is absent for years, it is within the realm of possibility that he will hand over the money or perish or not gain anything. And if the money is lost, he is not entitled to anything from the lender. Despite these possibilities, the person is blind and gives. His money and he waits for something that is not certain to happen, and he has a good soul despite the existence of a term, delay, and possibility. If he is told, “Lend to God,” and you will receive in the afterl

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