The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Establishing prayer is the appearance of its origin in its perfect creation, and its creation differs depending on who it is attributed to. If prayer is attributed to God, it has an origin that is different from the origin of its attribution to other than God, such as angels, human beings, and other created beings, so the Truth creates it with a perfect origin, and for this he said, “And My mercy encompasses all things.” - for the perfection of its creation, if the prayer attributed to Him is in His saying, “It is He who sends blessings upon you, His mercy is upon His servants,” and this will be mentioned .

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And the attribution of prayer to the angel also brings it out and performs it with complete origin, that is, a prayer that he revealed, but he only makes it appear complete, so the angel’s prayer can only be complete in origin and creation. Likewise, every prayer attributed to inanimate objects, plants, and animals, with the exception of humans and jinn, for if their prayer is created by him, it may be created, that is, complete in creation and not. It is created, that is, it is not of perfect character. Let us first mention the true prayer, so we say

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God Almighty said: He is the one who sends blessings upon you, and His angels in general, and He said that God and His angels send blessings upon the Prophet in particular regarding prayer. The pronoun in his saying, “they pray,” brings together the truth and the angels, and it is not possible for the angels to join God’s prayer upon His servant, for it does not exceed its rank, so truth is descended in this prayer to prayer. The angels are for the sake of the universal conscience, so God’s prayers upon the Prophet take the place of the angels’ prayers upon the Prophet .

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In contrast to his saying, “He is the one who prays upon you,” here he did not mention the angels until after what we mentioned, and he separated for us between his prayer and the angels by saying upon you. Then he said, “to bring you out,” so he limited the exit to Him, and he did not bring a comprehensive pronoun that brings together God and the angels in praying upon the believers, as he did in his saying, “they pray.” On the Prophet, so the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was distinguished from all other human beings by a rank that no one else gave him, that is, he mentioned that to us, so he included all of us, and the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was part of our group by saying, “He is the one who prays upon you,” and he singled himself out in that. Then he said, “and his angels,” so he singled out the angels by praying for the servants, and among them is the Prophet, for all of them. Creation is the unification of prayer from God and t

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