The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

From the prostration, she turned back from the command of God Almighty. Perhaps this prostrator will not return to the same and repent, for he is in the abode of acceptance of repentance, and for this reason it has not been accepted .

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As long as a person is alive, if he is an infidel, there is hope for Islam, and if he is a Muslim, the infidels fear for him, then it is not a place of tranquility for a creature unless he gives good tidings, and with good news, fear rises due to the truthfulness of the informer, and the ruling remains on modesty and reverence, so the fear of the one giving good tidings and his yellowing is due to modesty in particular, not fear.

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Some of them permitted it and some of them disliked it. But if the funeral is outside the mosque and the person praying is in the mosque, then there is also a disagreement about this prayer. As for praying over funerals in graves, there is a disagreement, and I say it is permissible in all of that .

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The person praying at funerals is an intercessor, so wherever he is, he intercedes, for the truth says, “And he is with you wherever you are.” We know that with the funeral wherever it was and with me wherever I was, he is not restricted by place. Praying at the funeral is permissible in every place without restriction, and no place is dirtier than The position of Pharaoh, for the polytheist is unclean. However, Moses and Aaron came and God said to them, “I am with you, hearing and seeing.”

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I used to say prayers over funerals, since they were in a mosque and elsewhere, until I saw the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, in a dream forbidding funerals from entering the mosque and from praying over them. So I finished, and after that I did not pray over a funeral in the mosque, for the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, says, “Whoever saw me” He saw me, for Satan does not create me.

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Most said that purity is a condition for it, just like the qiblah, and they disagreed about performing tayammum for it for one who fears missing it. Some people said that he should perform tayammum for it, and some people said that he should not perform tayammum for it or pray over it with tayammum. What I say is that purity is not a condition, but I hate turning to God and mentioning Him without legal purity.

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Aisha, may God be pleased with her, said that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to remember God at all times, and this is how the matter should be, for God is with the servant in every situation, especially the believer. End of Part Forty-Nine

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It was reported that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to teach his companions Istikharah just as he taught them a surah from the Qur’an. It was reported that he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to command two rak’ahs to be prayed for her.

He made the supplication following the two rak’ahs that he prayed for her after the greeting. And it is desirable for him to recite in the first rak’ah the Fatiha of the Book and the Almighty’s saying: “And your Lord creates what He wills and chooses whatever is better for them” or Surah “Say, ‘O you disbelievers.” And in the second rak’ah he recites the Fatiha of the Book and “Say: He is God, One” and says the supplication narrated in that following the greeting .

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He does this for every important need that he wants to do and fulfill, then he proceeds with his need. If there is good for him in it with God, He will make its causes easy for him until it happens, then its outcome will be praiseworthy. And if any of its causes are impossible for him and it is not possible to achieve it easily, then he does not contradict destiny, and he knows that if There is good for him in it with God as long as its reasons are impossible, so he knows that God has chosen for him to leave it, so he will not feel pain because of that, and he will be grateful for the consequence of abandoning it.

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The people of God should pray the Istikharah prayer at a specific time, meaning it, day or night, every day. If they say the supplication, the salutation is counted as one of the two rak’ahs. They say in the place that was commanded to be called “His Need,” as we will mention it. He says, “O God, if You know that everything I move in is in my right.” And in the right of others, and everything in which someone else moves in my rights, and in the rights of my family and my children, and what my right hand possesses is better for me in my religion and my world, and for my immediate and long-term affairs, from this hour of mine to the like of it in the Last Day, so make it easy for me, ordain it, and make me happy with it, even if You know that everything I move in is in my right and in the right. Other than me and everything that moves other than me in my right and in the right of my family and my children and what my right hand possesses from this hour of mine until the like of it i

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