The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Except after a life precedes him, he will not be subjected to that, even if the matter only occurred in someone whose life preceded him. The lack of transmission does not indicate that the ruling has been lifted. Rather, what is understood from the Sharia is to pray for the dead without any specification except what the legislator has designated. The prohibition of praying for an infidel and others who stipulate not praying for him, and the child has no entry into it .

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Al-Tirmidhi mentioned on the authority of Jabir bin Abdullah, on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, that the prayer should be prayed over him and he does not inherit or bequeathed until he starts screaming

He ruled that the prayer be prayed over him and what The ruling on inheritance is the same as what was ruled on someone who died while still alive. This news strengthens what we have said about the existence of a human image, even if we do not know that his death was due to life or not from life, and the hadith of Al-Mughirah on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that a child is prayed over .

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Some of them held that the child should not be prayed for at all, and they argued

that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, did not pray for his son Ibrahim

who was eight months old. This is opposed by those who say that the Prophet prayed. May God bless him and grant him peace, and this hadith strengthens the hadith of al-Mughirah and Jabir

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What I say is that when a Muslim is able to pray for a young child who has died who did not possess discernment or reason, he should pray for them, as they are in accordance with the nature of Islam .

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The child is taken from the child, which is the dew that falls from the sky in the morning and the evening, and it is the weakest of the water that descends from the sky. The child is one of the major ones, like sprinkling, raining, pouring, and other types of rain falling. And since he is this weak, the weak is eternally merciful, and prayer is a mercy, so the child. If he dies, the funeral prayer is prayed over him in every way, and there is no meaning in abandoning the prayer over him .

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They differed as to who was given priority in praying for the dead, so it was said his guardian and it was said the governor, and this is what I say, for it has been proven that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, prayed at the funeral, and it has never been reported that he was considered the guardian and was not asked about him, and Al-Hussein bin Ali Saeed bin Al-Aas, who was the governor of Medina, came forward in the prayer. Ali Al-Hasan bin Ali

In this matter, adherence to Friday prayer and congregational prayer is better than adherence to the guardian in his concealment and burial

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The governor has the right to rule in general and in particular, so he is stronger than the one who has the right to rule in some matters. He is more deserving of praying for the dead and of conversing with the truth and intercession for the dead, for he is God’s representative. The view of the truth towards those who appointed him as successors is greater than its view towards the one who did not assign that public position to him. In the caliphate, his words were accepted by him, as he delegated to him the rule in what he appointed him to do .

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And the Guardian of the truth is God Almighty. Whoever has this name confirmed in the most general sense, then the most general one, is more deserving of praying over the dead. And the Guardian is the one who has the rule of time among the divine names, so he intercedes with those who have guardians of the names in the dead for the one who is more general in relation to him, and he is the Most Merciful, for his mercy encompasses all things. E

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Some people said that one should not pray over it at the time during which it is forbidden to pray. Some people said that one should not pray over it at sunset and sunrise. Some people said that one should pray over it after the morning prayer, unless it is traveling and after the afternoon prayer, unless it turns yellow. Some people said that one should pray over it at all times, and to that I say other than that. The dead person is not buried during three hours, even if we permit prayers for him during those hours due to the text stating that we do not bury our dead during them, which are sunrise, sunset, and the equator.

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As for the setting of the stage, it is the time of the ignition of the Fire, and the grave is the first stage of the afterlife, and we did not say death, for death is an instant, there is no home, and the grave is a home. If he is buried at that time, the dead person will see the ignition of the Fire, and perhaps terror overtakes him, and God is companion to the believer. He did not permit us to bury our dead at that time, out of mercy. With them

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As for sunrise and sunset, they are the hours during which the infidels prostrate, so Hell advances to take them for what they have done. So if the dead person is buried at that time, he may see the approach of Hell to take these groups, and he is overcome with terror at their approach until he thinks that they want him, like someone who is walking on a road with someone who has a request behind him, and he sees in front of him a person who intends to request a request. Whoever comes behind him will be separated from him because of his terrible appearance. Perhaps this person imagines that he is the one who is coming, and the one who comes will not feel safe until he passes him and knows that he is seeking someone else. For if the infidel prostrates to anyone other than God, Hell will rush to take his zeal to prostrate to anyone other than God, so if he raises his head .

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