The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

What gives him is his faith, so his Lord exalts him through faith, not reason, and he takes knowledge and wisdom wherever he finds it, without looking at the place from which he brought it. The rational person knows men with the truth, and the non-reasonable person knows the truth with men, and this is one of the biggest errors in consideration, for the meaning that is included in The wording with which the speaker intends to clarify a matter that is in the desired truth is accepted by the ignorant person from the Messenger if he brings it, and he transmits it and rejects it from the heir and guardian if he brings it. If he had accepted knowledge for the sake of knowledge, he would have been among those who remembered.

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God Almighty says regarding what was revealed of the Qur’an that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, addresses three classes of people with it, so he is entitled to a group of people who hear its letters believing that they are from God and do not know anything else, and a group who recited it to them so that they might contemplate its verses, that is, they would contemplate. In it so that they know that the one who brought it did not bring it from himself, but rather it is from the one who sent it, Glory be to Him, and so that the masters of minds may remember what they had known before, that is, what they brought, with what the evidence indicates that is ambiguous in understanding, for it is the essence of meanings, and they are the people of revelation, combination, and existence. So whoever does not achieve what we have mentioned in his prostration, this prostration. He did not prostrate

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For us, it is a prostration of thanks in the presence of lights, and its companion is a prostration of repentance, not of repentance, and not of the commandments of prostration, and this is the prostration of Surah, may God bless him and grant him peace, in his saying, “And David thought that He had only tried him, so he asked forgiveness from his Lord, and he knelt down and turned in repentance, so he prostrated it in repentance and thanksgiving together, and the suspicion is at his door,” it says. David thought that we had tested him, for the temptation in the tongue is the test. The Arabs say that the silver was tempted by the fire, that is, it tested it. So he asked with a certain request for protection from his Lord, for the request was given with certainty, and he signed in submission and returned to God for what he asked for, not to his power and strength, and this is evidence that he had the power to cover himself with, so he did not He did so and returned to God about

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So whoever prostrates this prostration, it is a prostration of repentance, and there is disagreement about prostration. If a person prostrates it and does not find in it what David, peace be upon him, found of divine closeness and knowledge of the end of his affair and what will seal it for him and the end of his position and station with his Lord in the Hereafter, this if he prostrates it is the prostration of David, and if he prostrates it The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, prostrated and did not find any addition in all his circumstances in every situation with what befitted him in terms of knowledge and work in every home in a manner befitting that home.

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The increases in the abode are according to what is allocated to it. This world is a abode of duty and work, and the hereafter is an abode of reward, and this world is also an abode of reward for those who think about God .

This is the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, when his past and future sins were forgiven. He increased his worship of his Lord, so he stood up until his feet swelled, thanking God for that.

This is the servant’s reward for forgiveness, for it is an abode of recompense, so the Day of Judgment is the day of this world and the hereafter, so he set limits as a reward, and he rewards the people of misery for the good morals they did in this world, whatever he was blessed with. They were blessed with blessings until they returned to the Hereafter, and they reaped the fruits of their goodness in this world. If this world were not also an abode of reward, this would not have happened. Whoever does not realize in his prostration

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It is the prostration of diligence and exerting one’s effort in what is appropriate for the majesty of God, such as glorifying it and taking pleasure in it. It is at the heart of the prostration and in the place of its prostration there is disagreement. It was said that when he said, “If you worship Him,” whoever prostrated here made it a conditional prostration, and whoever prostrated it when he said, “They shall not grow weary,” it was a prostration for him. Activity and love

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Since creation needed the night to rest in it and they used it as a clothing that would separate them from the eyes of onlookers and from the daytime to obtain their sustenance through it, and they saw that the sun is day when it rises and night is when it sets, they attributed the existence of night and day to it, so they worshiped it, and they are the sun.

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We saw a lot of people among them in the land of Greece, and I went to one of their scholars and asked him, “Why do you associate with God in worshiping Him, the worship of the sun?” He said to me, “We did not worship the sun because it is a god apart from God. Rather, God is one God.” Rather, our scholars looked at the greatest benefits of this yoke in the world, and then enumerated what God linked him with benefits, so we knew that if he had not had God’s care for him, he would not have been in charge of these matters, so we sought closeness to him through glorification, so that it would be better for us .

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