The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

This verse is recited as a reason for his faith, since God had given a sign to the believers in this verse and commanded them to kneel and prostrate to Him, thus verifying the angels in the fact that they do what they are commanded, so the servant prostrated and was successful

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It is a different prostration. So whoever prostrated this prostration and did not know the relationship between divine survival and permanence and did not distinguish between one who is eternal by his permanence and one who is perpetuated by his permanence and won, he was distinguished by his mark from one who sided and passed and was saved when he sought refuge and claimed to be confirmed in some matters and in some of them to be saved, so he did not prostrate this prostration < /p>

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It is the prostration of aversion and denial of the people of confession. Excellence, and God says, “Excellent today, O criminals.”

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So the privilege falls between those who deny the name of the Most Merciful and those who know it on the Day of Resurrection by the prostration that was among them when reciting, and this name increased their aversion to their ignorance of it, and for this reason they said, “What is the Most Merciful” on the way to questioning? This is a prostration of grace, not a prostration of oppression. For the disbelievers made a mistake in that they saw that the Most Merciful contradicts the obligation, and they saw that The command to prostrate is an obligation, so prostration should not be for the one whose name is the Most Merciful, because of the exaggeration in mercy involved. If he mentioned him by the name that implies oppression, the infidel might hasten to prostrate out of fear.

As was issued by the tyrant in the presence of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, who said: The heads of the pre -Islamic era, where he said to him, Muhammad Attal Ali, wha

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Nothing increased their aversion except the association of the obligation with the name of the Most Gracious, for the Most Merciful pardons whoever disobeys Him and transgresses and does not burden him in the first place. If this ignorant person knew that God Almighty’s command to prostrate to the Most Merciful does not contradict the obligation, but rather contradicts the accountability and increases the good reward, he would hasten to do so just as the believer hastened. < /p >

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It is the prostration of the secret hidden from the certain news, and the place of prostration in this surah is disputed. It was said when he said, “You will be announced,” and it was said when he said, “Lord of the Great Throne.” This is the prostration of the Oneness of Majesty. In the heavens and the earth, and He knows what you conceal and what you declare .

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He says that the sun to which they prostrate, even if they believe that it knows what they declare, then prostration to Him who knows what they hide and what they declare is better. Then they prostrate to the sun because it brings out for them with its heat what the earth has hidden of plants. So God said to them, “You should prostrate to the One who brings out what is hidden in the heavens.” It is His bringing out of the stars that appeared after their disappearance and hiding them, then He makes them appear emerging from that hiding place, and on the earth what He brings forth from its vegetation. The sun does not have that, but rather by its appearance, the stars in the heavens are hidden. So God is more worthy of prostrating to Him than your prostration to the sun, for its ruling is with God. Like the rule of the stars in their waning and rising, their rising from the hidden place that God brings out in the sky like all the other stars, this is the prostration of preponderance

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It is the prostration of remembrance and remembrance with praise and humility based on the connotations of the prostration of the mind and insight, and this is the prostration of the verse revealed which is next to Surat Luqman the Wise. Only those who believe in Our signs, when they are reminded of them, fall down in prostration and glorify with the praise of their Lord, and they do not remain silent. Brun is an indefinite and indefinite letter that says that Whoever believes in Our verses, they are signs that we have appointed as proofs of our existence and the truth of our sending. They are not about the concerns of souls when they gather. They are the ones who, when they are reminded of them, and remembrance is only due to knowledge that was overlooked or by the forgetfulness of a rational person .

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Only those with understanding remember. He says that they are comprehended by rational sight. They are indications of what we have ascribed them to. So when they are reminded of them, they fall on their faces, that is, they are eager to know themselves, so they exalt their Lord with what He exalted Himself with, according to the Sunnah of His Messengers, and He did not give them knowledge that was beyond that .

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