The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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And evil and the threat of evil in particular, for the promise of goodness from God is inevitable, and the threat may be pardoned or overlooked, for it is an attribute of the Generous among the Arabs, and from what the Arabs praise their masters and nobles, says their poet

And if I promise him or her *** I will break my promise and fulfill my promise

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And they fall down to their chins, weeping over what they have neglected, which they cannot redress, even if they are pardoned. So writing on erasure is what is done in purity, like writing on something other than erasure, and it increases their humility, that is, humility. Humility never comes from the submissive except out of reverence, and it must be either outward or inward, or both. Together, this prostration is a prostration of increased humility, and humility, as we said, can only be due to divine manifestation, so increasing humility is evidence of increased manifestation. This is called prostration of manifestation, so understand .

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It is the prostration of blessings, the All-merciful scholar, from the meanings, and it is in Surah Maryam when he says, “When the verses of the Most Gracious are recited to them, they fall down in prostration and weeping, and it is the prostration of the prophets upon whom He bestowed blessings. This is a cry of joy and happiness and signs of acceptance and satisfaction. God has associated this prostration with the signs of the Most Merciful and mercy.” It requires oppression and greatness, but rather it requires divine kindness and compassion, so their eyes shed tears of joy over what God had given them of these verses. The picture is an image of crying due to the flow of tears, and the tears are tears of joy, not tears of joy, and sorrow and sadness, because the position of the Most Gracious Name does not require it .

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And in this Surah, in His saying, “On the day We will gather the righteous before the Most Gracious,” Abu Yazid rejoiced, and blood flowed from his eyes until he hit the pulpit and said, “Wow, how will someone who is his companion be gathered to him? ”

For God says, “I am the companion of whoever remembers me. ”


And the pious one remembers God, remembers with caution, so when he was gathered to the Most Gracious, which is the place of safety, because of the caution he had in him, he rejoiced in that and rejoiced, and Abu Yazid’s tears were tears of joy. How was he gathered from him to him when others were gathered to the veil ?

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As for his statement in this surah on the authority of Ibrahim al-Khalil, in his saying, “Indeed, I fear that a torment from the Most Gracious will overtake you,” so he associated the torment with the name “The Most Merciful,” and it does not apparently require it here. Know that he referred to the name that is his parentage, with him immediately, for he is with the Most Merciful without a doubt, for the attainment of well-being, goodness, and sustenance. And the health that is in him and upon him .

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The other meaning in the context of this name with torment is like the doctor’s mercy towards the owner of the food. He tortures him at the time by cutting off the limb in which the food was eaten, out of mercy for him so that he may live, and from his mercy he sets limits in this world so that they may have purity until the next, and so on in every two homes you look with the eye of investigation, so know that.

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Whoever prostrates this prostration and does not see the bliss in torment will not prostrate it, as the one who said it said .

I want you, I do not want you for the reward *** but I want you for the punishment.

And all my goals have been achieved *** except one who seeks pleasure and finds pleasure in torment.

As for Rabi’a Al-Adawiya, her head was hit on the corner of a wall, causing it to bleed, so it was said. What did you feel about the pain? She said, “My preoccupation with agreeing to what he wanted about what happened distracted me from feeling what you see from the witness of the situation.

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It is the prostration of minerals and plants, the prostration of the will, animals, and some human beings, and the inhabitants of the spheres and the pillars, a prostration of observation and consideration. God Almighty said, “Have you not seen that whoever is in the heavens and whoever is in the earth prostrates to God, and the sun and the moon and the stars and the mountains and the trees and the animals and many of the people and you?” A bull has a right on him Punishment, and whoever God insults, he has no one to honor. Indeed, God does what He wills. So, Glory be to Him, He mentioned everything in this verse, and He did not specify some except the people, for He said, “And many of the people,” and He made that part of His will, so the servant hastened to prostrate in this verse, so that he would be among the many who prostrate to God, not among the many. The one upon whom the punishment is due. So if this servant sees that God Almighty has enabled him to prostrate and has

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It is the prostration of Falah and faith out of submission, humiliation, and lack, and it is at the end of the Hajj in his saying, O you who have believed, kneel down and prostrate, and worship your Lord and do good that you may succeed. This is the prostration of Falah, which is survival, victory, and salvation, so the act of goodness was his initiative to prostrate. He liked it when he heard < /p>

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