The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Thanks to God Almighty for making him one of the pious by entering the mosque, as he said the mosque is the home of every pious person, so he added him to the pious among His servants, and he was added to God.

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Sharia scholars differed regarding whether prostration of recitation is obligatory or Sunnah. Some people say that it is obligatory, and some people say that it is Sunnah and not obligatory .

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The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said in the proven report from him that God Almighty says, “I divided the prayer between Me and My servant in two halves, ”

and he was not mentioned in the portion except Recitation of Al-Fatihah, and he did not mention the formalities of standing, kneeling, prostrating, or sitting, so when he did not mention anything except recitation, and from the Qur’an, the Fatihah of the Book is given by the servant to God Almighty, as it contains the recitation of the Fatihah of the Book, and this hadith is our evidence of the obligation of reciting Al-Fatihah to the praying person, so we called the following a praying person or a supplicant to God Almighty in what concerns it. God’s attributes and the attributes that belong to the servant are revealed and confirmed in the entire Qur’an, which is called the Word of God .

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Then there is a verse that relates to the side of truth, so it is specific to God, and then there is a verse that concerns the servant’s side, so it is sincere to Him, and then there is a verse in which there is a connection, so it is between God and His servant, and the action in that is like the action in the prescribed Fatihah, so in what he recites from His words, God Almighty, there are places in which prostration should be made, so He specified for us. The legislator is what we prostrate in and what we do not prostrate in, so he stipulated in it who stipulated purity and time for prostration and the qiblah, and a chapter on all of that will come. So we prostrate in what the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, prostrated in and we leave what he left out, even though the wording of the command requires prostration, but we do not prostrate because the legislator did not legislate prostration except in certain situations. It is specific and specific, which t

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Know that the prostrations of the Mighty Qur’an range from eleven to fifteen prostrations, some of which are mentioned in the predicate form and some of which are mentioned in the imperative form

The first prostration of that is in Surah Al-A’raf

p> In its conclusion, as for Al-A’raf, it is a wall between Paradise and Hell, inside of which is mercy, and it is what follows Paradise, and what appears before it is torment, and it is what follows Hell from it. And upon it are men whose good deeds and bad deeds were equal, so that the weight was not tipped over the other, so their scales were not heavy nor were they afraid, for God has not placed it on any of them. In his scale is his statement, “There is no god but God,” for there is no equivalent evil except polytheism, and just as polytheism and monotheism do not coexist in the heart of one person, likewise it does not enter into the scale except for the holder of records for another reason that we mention in th

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As for the conclusion of this Surah, God Almighty says, “And when the Qur’an is recited, then listen to it and be silent.” This verse we narrated was revealed regarding recitation during prayer and prostration is one of the pillars of prayer. He concluded this Surah by mentioning the angels and their prostration to God. He described them and said, “Indeed, those who are with your Lord, and they are those who are close to the angels, do not remain silent.” Bronn abstained from his worship He says: They humiliate and submit to Him and glorify Him, that is, they distance Him from the qualities that do not befit Him, and they are the ones with which they approached Him in terms of humiliation and submission, and God made them true in this verse in their saying, “We glorify Your praise and sanctify You.” So tell God about them what they told him about their souls, and to Him they prostrate, and He described them as prostrating to Him, the Almighty, with these conditions. And God Almigh

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The people of Al-A`raf saw that the place of the Resurrection was where the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, prostrated when he asked his Lord to open the door of intercession out of greatness, awe, and reverence for God. He heard God say, “On the Day when a leg will be uncovered by the command of the Hereafter.” The Arabs say, “War will uncover its leg,” and that is when the battle is heated and intensified. War and great speeches, so they knew that it was a place for prostration, so why

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