The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Firstly, the increase is real, while the profit there is imaginary, for God is truthful in telling him. Then the thankful person who has this increase achieved by his gratitude is among his family. He does not leave his homeland, his family, or his children, does not tempt himself, does not ride dangers, does not tire his body, and if he gives all his money in charity, then he is like a merchant who sells money. He will bring it, just as Luqman said, “O my son, if it were the weight of a mustard seed, be it in a rock, or in the heavens, or on the earth. He will bring it.” Oh God, indeed God He is kind and knowledgeable. This is a merchant who sold at a low price for a term, and his term is the time of resurrection, so this is the coming of the term. This, my brother, is the wisdom of changing the garment.

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It has three levels, all of which the scholar can unite if he wants to get out of the disagreement that exists among the scholars of Sharia, which is to return the outside to the inside, and the inside to the outside, and the top to the bottom, and the bottom to the top, and the one on his right to his left, and the one to his left to his right, and all of that is confirmed in the sign. To transform the state they are in

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As for considering the exterior of the robe and its interior, it is the effect of the deeds of its exterior on its interior, I mean in his heart with what these deeds produce for him, and the commendable actions of his interior also appear in action on its exterior, such as his intention to give alms, so he gives charity, or intends to do good, which he does, and what was in his interior has already appeared on its exterior. Whoever captures a woman, God will clothe him with her robe, and whoever does a good deed, it will affect his soul and heart with love and the desire to begin another work, especially if that work in this world produces knowledge for him in himself, as

He, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: Whoever does what... Knowledge bequeathed to him by God, knowledge of what he did not know.

And God Almighty said, “If you fear God, He will provide for you a means of success

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As for transforming the top of the robe and the bottom of it, it is attaching the upper world to the lower in subjugation and attaching the lower world to the upper in purity and sanctification, so the higher descends in mercy to the lower and raises the lower with care to the rank of the higher in relation to God Almighty and lack of Him. Indeed, God, as He directed to the highest of beings, has power, and He is the Divine Pen. The first intellect, with the knowledge and happiness it gave it, also directed itself to the lowest of existence, the most wretched, and the lowest in status with God, in one sense.

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For God, in His essence, there is no differentiation because He is not characterized by the whole, so some are fulfilled in Him. There is no individual essence from the entire world above and below that is not connected to a divine reality, and there is no differentiation in that most dearest and most intimate aspect. He is stationed on His highest throne, and if you were to let a rope pass, it would descend upon God.

Four angels gathered at the Kaaba, one descending from the sky, another ascending from the lower earth, the third came from the direction of the East, and the fourth from the direction of the West. Each one of them asked his companion, “Where have you come from?” They all said, “From God.” We narrated a hadith from some of our sheikhs. He raises it or informs the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, that he said that God is in heaven as He is on earth, and that the highest people seek Him as you seek Him, so He equated the two worlds in s

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I had a taste in this scene, because I carried in my hand something contemptible, such that people would see that it was what my position in this world required, and it had an evil odor from this salty fish. So my companions imagined that I carried it as a struggle for myself, so that my position in their eyes would be higher than carrying something like that, and they said to my sheikh, “How short it is.” So-and-so in his struggle, so he said, “Let us ask him with what intention he carried it.” The sheikh asked me in the presence of the group and mentioned to me what they mentioned. I said to them, “You made a mistake in interpreting me. By God, I did not intend any of that. But I saw that God, in His great power, had not removed Himself from creating such a thing, so He removed myself from carrying it.” The sheikh thanked me, and the companions marveled. And it is from this point. In fact, by God, it is my honor to carry it, for it is equivalent to the ability to find its essenc

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As for transferring what is on the right to the left and vice versa, it is taken into account that the attributes of the happy people in supplication are humility and humility, and they are the people of the right in this world, so this attribute is transferred to the people of the left in the hereafter, so the happy ones took it from them in this world. God Almighty said regarding the happy ones who are humble in their prayers. And he said, “Humbled before God,” and he said, “I mean in the opposite of the attribute to them, they fear a day in which hearts and eyes will be turned.” And he said about the wretched in the Hereafter, “humbled by humiliation, looking on from a hidden side.” He said, “On that day, humbled faces will be a worker.” A coming night that brings a burning fire, and another transformation, which is that the happy servant will be characterized in the afterlife in the same way that he will be characterized. Through it, the wretched servant in this world gains we

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