The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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God Almighty has provided you with a prayer that is better for you than red camels, so He has made it for you between the evening prayer and the rising of dawn

This includes Witr and non-Witr prayers, and this hadith is from the narration of Abdul God bin Rashid, on the authority of Abdullah bin Abi Murrah, but he did not hear from him, and he only has this hadith. Both of them are not among those who can be relied upon as evidence, and he hardly narrates it. Abdullah bin Abi Murrah narrated it on the authority of an outsider, and he is not known to have heard it from an outsider. And when Al-Tirmidhi mentioned this hadith with this chain of transmission, he said that it is a strange hadith and he narrated it. Al-Daraqutni, from the hadith of Al-Nadr bin Abdul Rahman, on the authority of Ikrimah, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, mentioned the hadith in which it says, “God has provided you with a prayer, which

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Among them are those who prefer to perform the Witr prayer with three, separating them peacefully, and among them are those who do not separate them peacefully, and among them are those who perform the Witr prayer with one, and among them are those who perform the Witr prayer with five and do not sit except at the end of them. He performed the Witr prayer with seven, nine, eleven, and thirteen, and this is most of what was narrated about that in His Witr, peace and blessings of God be upon him

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We have explained to you in consideration before this that Maghrib is the odd part of the day prayer, so he ordered the night prayer to be performed in order for the Shafi’i prayer to be valid in worship. Worship contradicts monotheism, as it requires servants and the worshiped, and the worshiper is not the worshiped one, for the thing does not humiliate itself, and for this reason he divided the prayer between the servant and the Lord in two halves. When Maghrib made the Witr prayer of the day prayer and the prayer an act of worship, Al-Ahdiya became jealous when it heard the Witr prayer accompanying worship, so it began the Witr prayer of the night prayer to intercede the Witr prayer of the day prayer, so that the Witr of the night prayer took its revenge from the Witr prayer of the day. This is why Dhal is called Witr, and it is a request for revenge.

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If he prays the Witr with three things, then it is from his saying, “So assault him in the same manner as he assaulted you.” And whoever performs the Witr with one thing , it is a proverb.

His saying, “There is no leadership except with an iron,”

So whoever completes the three things with peace is a shepherd, there is no leadership except And whoever prays the prayer with one, then it is one, and whoever prays the prayer with three, it is the unity of divinity, and whoever prays the prayer with five, it is the unity of the heart, and whoever prays the prayer with seven, it is the unity of the attributes, and whoever prays the prayer with nine, has combined in all three the unity of the essence, the unity of the attributes, and the unity of the actions, and whoever prays the prayer with one, it is the unity of the attributes. Ten is the oneness of the believer, and whoever prays the Witr prayer with thirteen is the oneness of the Messenger, and there is no goal behi

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We have presented that the Shafi’iyyah is the reality of the servant, since the Witr prayer is not appropriate for anyone other than God in terms of His essence and the unification of His rank, i.e., the rank of God is not appropriate except for God without participation, and servitude is two servitudes, servitude of necessity, and this appears in the performance of the obligatory duties and servitude

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