The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

His Lord is in assembly. God has mentioned Him in assembly. The servant has the status of an imam in this matter. The other situation is that the servant’s situation with God is in the same way as the situation of the Truth is with the servant, such as His saying, “He loves them and they love Him,” so the people of God’s path are according to what the facts in this issue require, that love Had it not been for the servant, God would not have loved him or not, he would not have bestowed upon him His love, nor enabled him to receive it, nor used it for it, and so on with all the matters that the servant is involved in that are close to God Almighty. This position warns the people of God against heedlessness in it, and for this reason we liken it to the prayer of fear .

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Among the people are those who say that he does not pray, and among the people are those who say that he prays with his eyes gesticulating, and what I go to is that he is commanded at that time to pray as much of it as he is able to do, and that is because every state except the state of competition is preparation for jihad and fighting. It is neither the essence of jihad nor the essence of it. Fighting, so if competition occurs, that is the essence of jihad and fighting in which God commanded His servants to be steadfast in it and to seek help from patience and prayer. Then God Almighty said, “O you who have believed, when you meet those who disbelieve marching back, do not turn your backs to them.” Then He threatened whoever did not remain steadfast, and He said, “And who will turn their backs on that Day?” Unless he deviates to fight or takes sides with a faction. He has incurred the wrath of God and his abode is Hell, meaning if he is killed in that situation, wretched is the

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After this, I say that this accountable person, if he is in this country in this state, is either a mujtahid or a follower. If he is one of the people of ijtihad, then there is no talk. He works according to what his evidence requires, and it is forbidden for him to contradict his guideline. And if he is a follower, then it is better for him in our view to imitate. Whoever says that it is permissible to pray in a state of distance and without purity therein, then the Qur’an supports him, and there is no argument for the imitator to refrain from imitating the one who says prayer, for he has cleared his obligation and is more deserving of his right, and he will be among those who remember God at all times, following the example of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace .

< p> In the Sahih, on the authority of Aisha, she said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to remember God at all times.

And she did not single out a

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