The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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And a travel in the divine names through creation, and it is a travel in its state descending from the first state, and a third travel in the universes by consideration, and it is a way beyond the two states, and a travel that brings together all of these books in their conditions, and it is the greatest of the travels of the universe, and the first is the greatest and longest of the travels, so if he calls, the traveler follows. The prayer is shortened from the prayer of the resident due to the difference. Just as the resident is distinguished from the traveler, and the state of residence is distinguished from the state of travel, the rule for the resident’s prayer is distinguished from the rule for the traveler’s prayer. As for Aisha’s saying, which is the saying of God regarding fear, the servant is required in every soul to observe the truth in His Almighty’s ruling in that soul according to what He has legislated for him. God Almighty is in Him in particular, and not e

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Which is the ruling on shortening the Shariah. Scholars of Sharia differed regarding this matter based on four opinions. Some say that shortening the traveler is a certain obligation, and I say so. And some say that shortening and completing it are both obligatory and optional for him, like the choice in the obligation of expiation. Some say that shortening it is a Sunnah, and some say that shortening it is a permission and completing it is better.


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Whoever believes that making the coloring is permanent is better, and he who takes into account the coloring with the breath, whether it is felt or not, says that shortening it is an obligatory obligation. And whoever takes care of the coloring and making it better, it is better to shorten and complete according to the owner of the time and its judge, and if he is the owner of the time. The time to be filled with circumstance and strengthened by knowledge is shortened, even if the one who has the time is empowered by the condition and filled with knowledge is more complete. And whoever does not take into account coloring or empowerment and is by the rule of the road and not by the rule of one who travels on it, says that shortening it is a Sunnah.

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This is the distance within which it is permissible to shorten the prayer. The scholars differed regarding that. Some say about four cold weather, some say a distance of three days, and some say about every travel, be it near or far. And I say it, I consider it to be called travel by the tongue .


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In that mail, twelve miles, and since the distance requires the amount by itself, and the number requires the amounts, and the ranks of the number are twelve, which cannot be added or subtracted, and they are one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, one hundred thousand. These are simple numbers and what not. It is added to it and is compounded from it. So if a person walks in the path of God in the four pillars from which his origin arose, which are his humors, he cuts each corner with these twelve. As for the great ones, they cut them in the four divine names, which are the mothers of all names, and upon them the existence of the world ceases, and He is the Living, the Knowing, the Willing, the Powerful, and nothing else, and with these names. It is proven that he is a god, so if the servant looks at these four with the four that he has, they are eight, and he looks at himself and his mind, and they are ten, and he looks at the oneness of his essence and th

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As for the three days, it is a day, as Abu Yazid said when he was asked about asceticism. He said, “It is easy. I was not an ascetic except for three days. One day I asceticized in this world, the second day I asceticized in the hereafter, and the third day I asceticized in everything other than God. And whoever is in this state has shortened his prayers, then he has Travel and complete your travels without disagreement .

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As for shortening a distance for which the name travel is given, it is necessary in the tongue and does not take into account distance or proximity. It is the one whose knowledge takes into account those responsible. Whoever travels among them will shorten. If a person travels with his sight for consideration, then he will shorten. If he also travels with his hearing, he will shorten, and if he travels with his thought in the intelligibles, he will shorten, and the form of his shortening is shortening of his sight. According to what he gives him in his time, if he gives him all of it, it is according to him, and if he gives him some, it is according to him, and this is the doctrine of the group, and they rely on it.

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