The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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An argument is made and based on a narration, and what I am referring to in this issue is that the call to prayer for Friday prayer is like the call to prayer for all obligatory prayers. Discussion of the call to prayer in prayers was presented before this, except that it is not permissible for two or a group to call the call together, but rather one after one, as this is contrary to the Sunnah < /p>

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The informative call to prayer, which is the call of the Truth to His servants to know Him in terms of what He is the God of people, our Lord, and the Lord of our fathers, and it is His saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, “Whoever knows himself knows his Lord,”

So he mentioned it in addition, and he did not say that at all, for the Truth, Glory be to Him He does not specify a word or restrict a matter except when He wanted His servants to look at it in terms of what He specified and singled out for that situation or designated with that phrase. And when the observer does not look at these matters with this eye, he has missed the correct path required. Since Friday prayer is not valid except in congregation, we know that the call to prayer that It is the notification of the announcement of the coming and the pursuit of this special manifestation must give what is not given alone, and we have explained that, and what remains is the difference in the positio

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Among its conditions is the congregation, and they differed in the amount of the congregation. Some say one with the imam, and by that I say, “Present and travel with me,” and some say two other than the imam, and some say three rather than the imam, and some say forty, and some say thirty, and some say twelve, and some do not stipulate a number, but believe that it is permissible. If it is less than forty, it is not permissible to do three or four. This condition is one of the conditions of obligation and validity, meaning that Friday is obligatory and valid.

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As for being alone with the Imam, it is the luck of the one who knows the oneness of truth from the oneness of himself, so he takes the oneness of himself on the oneness of his Lord, evidence, said the poet

And in every thing He has a sign *** that indicates that He is one.

And the sign of everything He has is its oneness, since every existing thing must be distinguished from others by a uniqueness that no one else has, and that oneness is in fact the reality of His being and identity. From this it is known that his Lord, in particular, is described in His identity, and this cannot be for anyone other than Him .

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As for the one who says two, then he is the one who knows his monotheism from looking at his intercession, so he sees everything other than the truth, and it is not valid for him to be alone with himself, and because he lacks something else, he is a composite of his essence and of his being characterized by the benefited existence, which he did not have in terms of his essence .

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As for the one who believes in the three, and he is the first of the individual, he is the one who believes that the two premises are not produced except by a connection, as they are four in form and three in meaning, so he believes that he did not know the truth except from his knowledge of the three, so he inferred the singular to the one, which is closer in relation to inferring the pre-emption of the singular.


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As for whoever says about forty, consider the appointed time of Musawi, which produced for him knowledge of the words of truth in terms of what you have learned from his story mentioned in the Qur’an. Likewise, whoever attains knowledge of his Lord from his sincerity, consider forty mornings, which is the well-known seclusion on the path of the people, for they take it to gain knowledge of God about what is happening. They have in it a form of sincerity with God that is flawed. As for the one who said thirty, then he looked at the first Miqat Al-Mousawi and knew that that was the limit of knowledge, except that something happened that disturbed him, so he added ten to make up for that defect, then in the sense it is thirty, so whoever frees his Miqat from that defect, then what is required of knowledge of God is achieved by thirty. God Almighty said, “And We made an appointment with Moses for thirty nights, and from this limit of what happened to the wives of the Messenger of God,

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