The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Among its conditions is more than one, so whoever observes this divine knowledge says its prayer before noon, because he is commanded to look to his Lord in this state, and the praying person is in dialogue with his Lord and faces Him in the Qibla

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And the pronoun in it is sought by the closest mentioned, which is the shadow. It is sought by the name Lord, and its return to the Lord has aspects, for it is with the sun that God set an example in seeing it on the Day of Resurrection.

He said on the tongue of his Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, “You will see your Lord as you see the sun at noon. ”


That is, the time of noon, and he meant at the level of the shadow reaching the person at that time due to the generality of the light in the person of the seer, which is the state of his annihilation from seeing himself in the sight of his Lord. Then he said, “Then We received it to Us for a short period while it was at the level,” then it returned to its expanse with the setting of the sun, which is after the noon. So he recognized it after the sighting as the first one knew it before the sighting, and in the current situation, he said that the time for Friday prayer is after noon, because at this

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Here, the return of the pronoun from him to the Lord has aspects, for when it rises, he sees the extension of the shadow and sees what is causing it for a period of time, and he sees himself standing between the shadow and the sun, so he looks at the sun and knows from the extension of his shadow what effect the sun has on that, so the shadow on the sun was a guide in looking and it was The sun over the extension of the shadow is evidence of the effect. And whoever does not notice this knowledge except when he is at the equator, then after that, with the setting of the sun, he sees the extension of the shadow from itself little by little, he makes the sun over the extension of the shadow as evidence, so its setting is corresponding to the extension of the shadow, and the shadow is like the sun, so the setting from the sun is in the position of the ebb. From the shadow, what influences the tide is the setting of the sun, and the appearance of the shadow is the essence of the sun wi

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So look, O holder of the station of your self, in terms of your existence and you will see how noble his lineage is, for your existence is the existence of the truth, since God did not create anything except with the truth, and by the sun’s inclination from you, your shadow extends, for it is a knowledge of transcendence. He made that evidence for you to believe it, for the sun is farther away from you, and the farther it is from you, the more it alerts you that you are not like him, nor is he. Like you, unless it obscures you from seeing it, it is the absolute transcendence that is due to the essence of truth, just as in its rising and asking you to be purified to the level, it rolls up your shadow little by little, to let you know that by its appearance at its height, it erases you and annihilates you until it leaves nothing of the shadow outside of you, which is the denial of the effects because of you. For this reason, it is not prescribed to pray at the level of the sun due t

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And therefore

He said regarding the people of Medina and whatever was on its line, “east” meaning in turning to the Qiblah in prayer, and do not set, that is, watch the sun from where it is rising, for it rises and annihilates you, so no place or trace remains for you.

God Almighty said, “O people of Yathrib, there is no place for you.” So He, peace be upon him, warned that this is the noblest place, unlike the sunrise, for in the sunrise a person can look at the extension of his shadow and can look at the exaltation of the truth by inclining away from it, unlike the sunrise in significance.

p> So he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “Rise and do not set.

That is, take your knowledge of God from this evidence, for it is more probable than sunset .

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After this has been made clear, whoever prays the Friday prayer before noon is valid, and whoever prays it after noon is valid. What I have come to is that praying it before noon is better, because it is a time in which no obligation has been prescribed, so he should turn to the Truth, Glory be to Him, with the obligation at all times, so praying it before noon is better, even if it has already been done. It is agreed that this would be the time of performing an obligatory prayer for the forgetful and sleeping person if they remember, but by virtue of dependency it is so, for what is considered is remembering or being awake at any time, unlike the Friday prayer, if we make it before noon, then the time is determined for it, just as the times for the obligatory prayers are determined, and God has indicated that The bliss of seeing Him and being with Him without being specific or restricted. He said, “He encompasses everything,” and He said, “And He is with you wherever you are, so

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God Almighty said, “When the call to prayer is done on Friday, then strive to remember God, and from the time of the call, the reward will be from the body to the egg, which is when the preacher begins his sermon. And whoever comes from the time of sunrise until the time of the call will have a reward according to his early birth, which is A matter of disagreement, so the bidanah is from the time of appointing the sa’i. As for the call to prayer, the majority of scholars agreed that its time is when the imam sits on the pulpit, and they disagreed about whether the call to prayer is given in front of the imam by only one muezzin or more than one. So, there is a saying that only one person is called to call in front of the imam, and he is the one with whom selling is forbidden. And buying. Others said, “Rather, only two people are called to prayer.” Others said, “Three people call out to each person .”

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