The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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The scholars agreed that it is obligatory for those for whom the obligatory prayers are obligatory. Then they added four conditions, two of which are agreed upon and two of which there is disagreement. The agreed upon ones are maleness and health, and that it is not obligatory for the woman and the sick, and the two in which there is disagreement are the traveler and the slave. So who says that Friday prayer is obligatory for the traveler and with that I say that it is obligatory for The slave must be prepared, and if his master prevents him, then the master is one of those who avert from the path of God, and of those who say that it is not obligatory for them. There has been a report from a speaker in which the Friday prayer is obligatory except for four: a slave, an owned woman, a woman, a boy, or a sick person.

And in a narration. Other than five, and the traveler mentioned

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Since its condition is that which exceeds the One, and that it is not valid for the existence of the One, know that the mind has known that God has an intrinsic oneness, with no relation between it and the search for possible things. We have mentioned it, and the rational person knows it. It is impossible for the mind to understand the existence of the world from this oneness, so it is necessary. With Friday prayer, he must return to considering what is required of the possible regarding the existence of one who has this oneness, so he looked at it from the fact that he is a god who seeks the divine. This is another knowledge that is not valid except in congregation, which is the synthesis and arrangement of evidence. Therefore, Friday prayer is obligatory for the mind described as rational, and since the woman is deficient in reason and religion, then the mind that What is lacking in it is the intellect of this intrinsic oneness, so Friday is obligatory for the man, which is

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As for the slave for whom the obligation of Friday is waived according to those who say so, and he is the slave who invokes God’s compulsion for him in his choice, the truth is that the slave is forced in his choice, so when it was not possible for him to combine freedom and servitude, Friday was not obligatory for him, and all of those we mentioned and we mention that it is not obligatory. He is obligated to perform the Friday prayer, and if he attends it, he prays it. Likewise, if the considerations that prevent the aforementioned from being obligatory are present, that it is not obligatory for him, and if he fails to perform it in a way that contradicts it, the Friday prayer is obligatory, that is, he is obliged to know what he was not obligated to know, such as Maryam and Asiya, for whom he attained the degree of perfection, so they were obligated to know the intrinsic oneness and the knowledge of oneness. The Divine, which is the Oneness of Multiplicity

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As for the sick person, who does not speak of the reasons and does not know their wisdom, he has not attained the status of health, since he has as much knowledge of God as you give him of a ruling on the reasons. And whoever does not give his condition this knowledge and is discredited in its abstraction and fears for himself, it is not obligatory for him to combine knowledge by the rule of reasons with knowledge. By stripping monotheism from it

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As for the traveler, his situation requires that Friday is not obligatory for him, and he misses what is between the beginning of the destination and the end of the destination, so it is between from and to, so his condition does not allow him to combine the from and to that which you are requesting, not with the one that is in the to to to the other, because to that is absent in it from even if Not to the last. I did not know that in one soul to the first from, there is no end except that it has a beginning and it cannot be reversed, so Friday is not obligatory for it in terms of what is specific from the first. What we say is obligatory for it is only with the from which it includes to the first, to the second, and to the third, and so on to what has no end. If it were not for the stations on the path and the stations, there would be no reason for who has an end, so to seek from and to whom you do not seek .

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As for the boy, he is inclined to his nature and does not know anything other than it, and it is not valid for him to be a boy except in this capacity. It is impossible for him to raise his head to know his true nature, which is valid for him to know about Friday prayers. Therefore, we considered that the boy is not obligated to perform Friday prayers.

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The scholars agreed that they are the conditions for the aforementioned obligatory prayer, and we have mentioned them, except for the time and the call to prayer, but they differed in that. They also differed in the conditions related to it, and I will mention them.

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God Almighty said, Have you not seen to your Lord how He extended the shadow? Then He said: Then We made the sun a guide to it, so He commanded us to look at it and to look at it to know it. But since He extended the shadow, which is His manifestation, the presence of your eye, then you did not look at Him in terms of the oneness of His essence in this. The position, but I looked at it in terms of the uniqueness of his action in finding you in the significance, which is the Friday prayer, as it is not permissible for the individual, since

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