The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Good deeds and the race to the monologue. He recited the takbir upon hearing him say the iqamah, unless he is the one remaining and is not able to do so until he finishes saying, “There is no god but God.” Because he came with the past tense tense, he builds his prayer on the basis of truthfulness, so he wins the reward of a seat of truthfulness with a powerful angel, in gardens and a river, that is, in a storehouse of vast, current knowledge. Whenever I say this, something else comes, because the river is always flowing, with proverbs .

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And know that the beginning of the establishment of prayer is the opening takbir, like the tailbone of the establishment of the beginning, so if the muezzin says, “The prayer has begun before the imam’s takbir,” he does not believe it, and it is permissible in speech and the knowledge of tastes and secrets. It does not carry permissibility in speech, for it is based on the truth and revelation works, and the spirit of man is what is in his hand, so if the imam takes charge The muezzin said, “The prayer has begun,” and the imam did not say “Allahu Akbar,” because we know that he was caught lying, and it is of no use to him here.

His saying, may God bless him and grant him peace, is that a person is in prayer as long as he waits for prayer.

We are in this place by virtue of the expected prayer with the alif and the lam, and we do not doubt that the knowers, in their movements and silences, are in prayer and monologue, but what is required of him in this case i

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The scholars differed regarding opening the prayer to the imam. Some say it should be opened for him, some say it should not be opened for him and he should kneel where he shudders, some say it should not be opened for him unless he seeks food, and some say it should not be opened for him except in Al-Fatihah. The author of this opinion says whoever opens the surah for him has invalidated his prayer. Al-Fatih

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Whoever said by the first thought said that it should not be opened to the imam, and the same applies to the one who said by time and who said by taking into account the breaths. As for the one who said by what was preceded by the precedent at the beginning of the initiation and took into account that thought and made the ruling for him, then if he intended when he started to recite a surah or verses of information and then hesitated on it, then he has the right to do so. To complete what he intended, so he asks the person being led to eat, and he feeds the person being led and opens to him when he hesitates. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, asked about my father when he hesitated to say to him, “Why did you not open to me, because my father had memorized the Qur’an?”

So he took into account the first purpose of the recitation and wanted to complete it. The trembling of the servant during prayer is one of the most evident proofs of the existence of the

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