The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And prostration, so the knower says after praising his Lord with glorification, as we have mentioned, he says, “O God, I bowed down to You,” that is, for the sake of Your magnificence and your exaltation in Your pride, I submitted myself out of glorification for You. He says, “For Your supremacy, which is due only to You. For when I rose before Your hands, I did not rise except in compliance with Your command.” Where I said, “Stand up for God,” I stood up and bowed down from a thought that perhaps occurred to me when I stood up that I stood up for myself, so I confess before your hands by kneeling that I bowed down to you and in you I believed. He says because of you, that is, with your support, I spoke the truth, neither by my power nor by my power, that is, I have no power nor strength except in you, since hearts are in your hand. Which is the place of faith, and for you I surrendered, that is, for your sake my submission was, and had it not been for you, my circumstances

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So when the knower raises his head from bowing, he says on behalf of his Lord. He himself hears the speech of his Lord. God hears the one who praises Him in his saying when he bows. Glory be to my Lord, the Great, and every praise and praise. He praised Him with it and praised Him with it from the beginning of his prayer. Then he responds with his Lord to his Lord in the presence of himself from Because it is his Lord by His support of it in its power and strength, so he says, “O God, our Lord,” and deletes the letter of the call, because the one praying is in a state of nearness, and the call announces the distance. The world and everything that is praised, which is His saying: “filling the heavens, filling the earth, filling what is between them, and filling whatever you want of anything.” After that, he says, “every part of the upper and lower world and what is between them and what is possible of the possible things that you create, and it remains in nothingness a fixed eye.”

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So when he prostrates and glorifies his Most High Lord and praises Him, as previously mentioned, he says in his prostration after praising Him, O God, to You I prostrated, and in You I believed, and to You I submitted, my face prostrated to the One who created it and gave its hearing and sight, so blessed be God, the best of creators. O God, put light in my heart, and light in my hearing, and light in my sight, and light on my right, and light on my left. Light, and in front of me is light, and behind me is light, and above me is light, and below me is light, and make light for me, and make me light. The knower says, prostrate to my face, meaning my reality, for the face of a thing is its reality for the one who created it, i.e., its destiny from its name .

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