The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

An expression of denying the primacy of what is described by it, then it is impossible for the world to be eternal in existence and its existence derived from a creator, which is God Almighty. The other side of the impossibility is that it is said in the world that it exists eternally because it is reasonable for eternity to deny primacy and the truth is the one described. With it, it is impossible to describe the existence of the world with eternity because it is due to your saying that the world benefits from existence from God and does not benefit from existence from God, because primacy has been removed from it by its being eternal, so it is impossible for the world to be characterized by this negative description, which is eternal, and it is not impossible for the one described by it, and it is the truth that it is said that creation was created eternally, meaning Destiny, for estimation is due to knowledge, but it is impossible if it is created in the sense of created

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It has been proven to you that estimation is in eternity, just as it has been proven to you that estimation is in time, and that time is an illusion and does not exist. Likewise, eternity is a negative description that does not exist, for it is not the essence of God, and there is nothing but God, and what is an existential matter is other than the truth, and the truth is an envelope of it, so it is confined from It being a circumstance just as time limits us to it being a circumstance for us in the way we mentioned, so understand, and now that I have made you aware of the meaning of times, let us return and explain what is meant by times of worship, and among acts of worship are times for prayers.

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So we say the times of prayer are specific and unspecified. What is not specified is the time when the forgetful person remembers and the sleeper wakes up. His time when they remember is that he forgets or wakes up if he is asleep. The specific time is divided into two parts: a sincere section and a shared section. The sincere section is in the middle of the extended time in all the prayers and the end of the morning time and the beginning of the noon time. In what we have mentioned, there is no joint prayer for another prayer, as it does at the end of the four prayers. What is common is the time between the two prayers, such as noon and afternoon and other prayers, with the aforementioned disagreement that is known about this among our Sharia scholars. We will mention that in its place, God willing, when we talk about the times of all the prayers, prayer by prayer in detail.

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Considering it, we said that the praying person is the second from the previous one in the ring, and that prayer is second in rank in the testimony of monotheism, and the Truth, Glory be to Him, said: I divided the prayer between Me and My servant into two halves .

So he made him in the state of prayer second to him in the divine division, so he said in the prayer Absolutely, and what is restricted as an obligation of voluntary work, and we have said that the time of it is specified, and it is in consideration of the obligation, and it is not specified, which is in consideration of voluntary work .

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The knower who is constantly in his prayer and in his dialogue before his Lord is constant in his movements and stillness. He does not have a specific time or an undetermined one. Rather, he is the owner of the time. And whoever does not have this setting is according to what his Lord remembers him to be present with him. However, the ever-present knower does not differentiate. Between the times with what he finds of more and the superiority between what is obligatory from that presence and what he volunteered from himself, it is incomplete in the full status because it is accompanied by permanent presence, for presence is one of the conditions, not presence from such-and-such reason, for presence from such-and-such reason is for perfection among men, so the first among the people of presence is not. For him, there is a difference between faces because he is immersed in the instant, like pleasure that is unknown to a person and whose source he does not know. The second is one of t

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And since we divided the times into the Savior and the Shared, know that time in this path is what you are in in your state, i.e. anything you were in, whether good or bad, knowledge or ignorance, so it is not related. Likewise, the temporal times according to what God speaks about them regarding each person, so the Savior is one of the times. If a name comes to you, there is no joint ruling in it, and every name has two faces onwards. The first is like the living, for it is sincere to life, and so is the scholar, sincere to knowledge. The second is the one which is common, corresponding to the common time, like the name “the wise,” for it has a face to the world and a face to the ruler. The wise name has two rulings: a ruling on the locations of matters and a ruling. He placed things in their places by action. How many scholars do not place things in their places, and how many put things in their places by virtue of agreement, not by knowledge. The wise man is the one who knows t

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