The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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God created the atlas astronomy and it turned and it did not set today and no eye appeared to it, for it is like the water of a cruse in a river before it was in the cruse. Then when He imposed on it twelve periods and a specific time, He called them constellations in that astronomy, which is the Almighty’s saying, “And the heavens are higher than us, with constellations,” and they are these obligations. And a person stood over which this astronomy was rotating, and He gave this person sight by which he saw those hypotheses with signs that were given to him in them, so he distinguished some of them from others by those signs that were given as indications for them, so he placed his eye in an assignment of which I mean in the sign. Then the astronomy turned with that imposed sign that this observer set his eye on, and it disappeared. And he remained standing in that place until that sign reached him. Then he knew that the ark had made one revolution with respect to this observer, n

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Then after that, God created in the fourth heaven of the seven heavens a luminous star of great magnitude, which he called the sun in the Arabic language, and through it that luminous star appeared to him in his sight from behind the veil of the earth over which this one was looking, so he called that rising star, and the rising was sunrise because that luminous star rose from it and illuminated. With it is the atmosphere in which this observer is, and his sight continued to follow the movement of that planet until he compared it, and he called that comparison equator. Then he took the planet descending from its equator with this observer, looking towards the right side of it, not by looking at the planet in itself, as we said, so he called the first separation of it from the equator in the eye of the observer from the equator. And then, this observer continued to follow his sight until the body of that star disappeared, so he called its setting “sunset.” And the place where his s

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So it becomes clear to you that the night and the day and the day and the month and the year are these that are expressed in terms of times and that they tick to the name of hours and below them and that all of that has no existence in itself and that it is ratios and additions and that what exists is only the essence of the astronomy and the planet and not the essence of time and time and that they are decreed in them I mean the times and they are made clear to you. Time is the imaginary matter in which these times were imposed. Time is an imaginary imposition in an existing entity, which is the astronomy and the planet. It interrupts the movement of that astronomy and the planet by the imposition imposed on it in an imaginary matter that does not exist, called time. And I have shown you the reality of time, which God has made a circumstance for biased beings that fall under this. The temporary astronomy in it is supposed to specify times in its essence, so that it may be said th

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Now that you have learned what time and time mean, consider it, i.e. a part, and cut it to the knowledge of eternity with which you attribute your Creator and make it for Him like time for you. And if time for you in this relation is a relative matter with no reality in itself and you are a limited created being, then eternity is further and further away from the limit of existence being God in Him. Your statement and the statement of those who say that God spoke in eternity and said in eternity and destined such-and-such in his eternity, and he imagines by his illusion that it is an extension just as you imagine the extension of time in relation to you, then this is from the rule of illusion, not from the rule of reason and correct consideration, for the meaning of the word eternity is only an expression of denying the primacy of God Almighty. That is, there is no beginning for His existence, but rather He is the essence of the First, Glory be to Him, not with a beginning that ju

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The Truth, Glory be to Him, decrees things eternally, and it is not said that He exists eternally, for it is impossible in two respects. For His existence to exist is only to exist, and what exists does not exist. Rather, what exists is not described to itself by existence, which is non-existent. It is impossible for an existing entity that was non-existent to be described as eternally existing, for it exists. From what exists, I create it and eternity

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