The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The inner clothes have qualities, for the inner garment has its qualities. Imru’ al-Qays says to Unayzah

And if you have become displeased with my character*** then wash my clothes. From your clothes flowing .

He wanted the clothes he wore of love in his heart. God says, “And the clothing of piety. That is better.” In my view, it is directed to evidence of circumstances, such as the Almighty’s saying, “For the best provision is piety,” all the same if you understand what He means here by piety and considering the bodies as the hearts and souls. So know and consider mosques as places of prayer and divine conditions.

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The scholars in Sharia have agreed that pure, cleansing water removes it from these three places, and with us everything that removes its eye is removed from dirt, stone, and a liquid. The color is considered to remain in its eye if it has a color that sight can perceive, and the persistence of the smell is not considered while the eye is gone for knowledge. We have another

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The knowledge produced by piety in the Almighty’s saying, “And fear God, and God will teach you,” and His saying, “If you fear God, He will make for you a means of separation.” That knowledge is the remover and purifier. These three conditions that we mentioned, which are inwardly the attributes, hearts, and conditions, which we said are clothes, bodies, and mosques.


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The scholars also agreed that stones remove it from the two exits, which is what is expressed in the Sharia by istijamar, and in my view it is not valid to perform ijamar with one stone, as it is the opposite of what is called istijamar, for the jamrah is in congregation and the minimum in congregation is two, and the consideration here is in the place of agreement that the stones when God established the relationship between them and the hearts in Things like: Then your hearts hardened after that, so they are like stones or more hard, and cruelty is more than what should be cleansed from it, whatever it is, for it is among the impurities of the hearts that are taken into account and forgiven.

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And indeed, among the stones from which rivers gush forth, they are from the hearts the abundant and vast sciences surrounding the most information, and their eruption is their emergence on the tongues of scholars for instruction in the various arts .

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And there are some stones that split and water emerges from them. These are the hearts that are overcome by circumstances, so they appear outwardly on the tongues of their owners according to the extent of them that split and according to the extent of the knowledge that is in them so that people benefit from them .

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And among the stones are those that descend out of fear of God, and the descent of hearts that resemble stones in their descent is their descent from their pride to their servitude and their consideration of their inability and lack of authenticity. We have said that water is the purifier that removes impurities from these places. The stones that are the sources of this water have the same ruling on removing impurity from The directors are the ruling on what comes out of it, which is knowledge in consideration, just as fear is what purifies oneself with it, for fear is one of the characteristics of those who know God and are pleased with them. What is required of them is to be pleased with God. God Almighty said, “The only ones who fear God among His servants are those who are knowledgeable,” and He said, “May God be pleased with them and they are pleased with him.” That is for him who fears his Lord. < /p >

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Knowledge is pure and purified, especially the knowledge that is the product of piety. Other types of knowledge, even if they are pure and purifying, are not as powerful as this knowledge that we are referring to. The fear with which stones are described is what led them to fall, and humility is part of the elevation that God has given, for it is because He described it. By falling, we learned that the stones in the mountains He means, and the mountains, are the pegs in which God settled the earth’s midden. When He made them pegs, He made them inherit that, and the height was proud of their position. So these stones descended, falling, out of fear of God, when they heard God say, “This is the home of the Hereafter, We will assign it to those who do not desire elevation in the earth, nor corruption, and the outcome is punishment.” Piety and will It is one of the characteristics of hearts, so it descended from its height, even if it was with its Lord, descending out of fear of God,

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As for the specialization of its purification, the two exits, and consider the two exits which are the exit of the dense, which is the dung, and the fine, which is the urine, then know that the Truth, Glory be to Him, has two manifestations in the hearts. The first manifestation is in the dense, which is His manifestation in the images perceived by sight and imagination, such as seeing the Real in sleep, so he saw it in a form similar to the images perceived by the senses. He said: There is nothing like Him, so this knowledge removes from your heart the attachment of the truth to these forms in which it was revealed to you during your sleep or during your imagination in your worship, when His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to you on the authority of God Almighty, not on his desire, for he, may God bless him and grant him peace, does not speak from desire.

Worship God as if you see Him

So he came to Kan and she was giving the facts

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When the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to someone who said, “I am a true believer, what is the reality of your faith?” He said, “It is as if I am looking at the throne of my Lord standing out.” Then he came with a vision, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to him .

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