The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Consideration, whether he believes or does not imitate, then he wants to search for evidence and look at what he believed in, not on doubt, so that he may gain knowledge of the evidence that he looked at, so he can emerge from imitation to knowledge, or work on what he imitated in it, so that action in God results in him, and with it he distinguishes between truth and falsehood. True insight in which there is no imitation, and it is the science of revelation. God Almighty said, “O you who have believed, if you fear God, He will make for you a criterion,” and it is the same as what we said. And He said, “And fear God, and God will teach you.” And the Most Merciful said, “He taught the Qur’an. He created man. He taught him the explanation,” and He said, “We have given it.” mercy from Us, and We taught him knowledge from Us

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It has been reported that the scholars are the heirs of the prophets

So he called them scholars, and that the prophets did not inherit a dinar or a dirham, but rather they inherited knowledge

And acquiring knowledge through striving and deeds is also a journey, for just as the mind traveled with its intellectual vision in the world, it traveled The worker does his work and they agree on the result. The employer added that he has insight into what he knows and is not subject to suspicion, and the one who considers what is free of suspicion enters into his evidence, so the employer is more worthy of the name of the scholar than the one who has reasoned. The discussion regarding what is permissible in travel and what is not permissible in the traveler’s prayer will come from this book. God Almighty willing

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The scholars differed regarding the Shariah regarding the sick person who finds water and is afraid to use it. Some say that it is permissible for him to perform tayammum, and I say that he does not have to repeat it. And some say that he should not perform tayammum in the presence of water. It is the same for the sick person and the one who is afraid. Some say that it is permissible for him to perform tayammum and repeat the prayer if he finds water. It is said that he performs tayammum, and if he finds water before the time ends, he performs ablution and repeats it, but if he finds it after the time ends, he does not have to repeat it.

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The sick person is the one whose nature does not allow consideration, and that it is a chronic disease despite the presence of evidence, but he is afraid of destruction and departure from the religion if he considers it due to his shortcomings. We have seen a group of them who departed from the religion due to the fact that their nature was defective, and they claim that they are in that. With correct knowledge, they understand as God said, and they think that they are doing well, so such a person, if he wants to be saved, takes the doctrines as imitation, just as he took the rulings, and let him imitate the people of hadith to the exclusion of others. This is imitation of the prophetic hadith in the name of God, despite God’s knowledge of it, without interpreting it with a specific exaltation or likeness, and most of the common people are like this. And they do not realize that this is the patient who finds water and is afraid to use it.

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The present one is the one who is based on his contract that was tied to him by his fathers and educators, then he reasoned and returned to himself and decided whether he should remain in that contract or look at the evidence until he knows the truth. Who says that what his parents or educators raised him for is enough for him and he is busy with the work? Consideration may He takes him out into confusion, so he is not safe for him. He is the one who said about tayammum when there is no water. We have presented that water is knowledge to participate in life with it, so this present evidence is non-existent for him regarding the truth, for he does not see a connection between God and His creation, so creation is not a prevailing evidence of knowledge of the essence of truth, so it remains with him. It is better to imitate him

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And whoever says that it is not permissible for him to perform tayammum and that there is no water, he says that he does not imitate, even if he does not look at the evidence, because if faith is mixed with the temptation of hearts, it becomes binding and it is impossible to withdraw from it, and he does not know how it happened or how it is, for it is necessary knowledge for him, for it has departed from the ruling of what imitation gives him despite its being He is neither an observer nor a person with evidence, and most people are like this in their beliefs, so the lack of water for this present person is a lack of security for himself, lest looking into it lead him to doubt that he has departed from faith.

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Fear of searching for evidence to look into it to lead to knowledge of the meaning. Ignorance of the essence of the evidence that it is evidence. One of two things must be done. Either he imitates someone in that this is evidence of a matter assigned to him, or he lacks consideration and thought about what he should take. As evidence of knowing God, if it is the first, then he should remain in his imitation of knowing God, and he is the one who is called tayammum. And whoever says that it is not permissible for him to do tayammum, he says that this fear does not oblige him not to look, so let him look, and it is necessary.

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