The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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The basic ruling has been established in the doctrine of those who say that part of the head should be wiped. If he wears a turban for adornment, it is not permissible for him to wipe over it, unlike the sick person who tightens the turban over his head due to his illness. Nothing has been reported that contradicts the text of the Qur’an on this issue.

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If an incident is presented to the people of this method that discredits the original, such as the act of reason for one who is devoid of reasons, or swagger and leadership in war, then our talk about wiping the head and for it humility and arrogance is more appropriate to use as an example so that the listener’s understanding will reach the intended meaning of what he wants in this act of worship, for the effect of that arrogance is the manifestation of arrogance. In man’s servitude, he forgets the pride of his Lord over him and His glory, Glory be to Him, and withholds him from that, so he does not do that, and casts pride away from himself, and it is necessary, and it is not permissible for him to be arrogant in that setting, because he originally criticized him, even if it did not affect himself. Rather, that is something that is apparent in the eyes of the enemy, while it is within himself in his humiliation and lack, it is permissible for him. The apparent appearance of arro

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You have learned the ruling on wiping over the turban inwardly, what it is, as well as wiping with some hand over the turban, which is that if it causes you to suspect the reason for your reliance on God in your heart, then do not take it or use it unless it leads to something greater than that in distance from God, even if it does not affect reliance. Therefore, wipe with some of your hand, and there is no blame on you. If the reason is subtracted from the hand, some of the actions of the hand, because the sum of the hand in the meaning is many things, it acts in many ways with different meanings in legitimate matters and rulings, for it has grip, extension, and moderation. God Almighty said, “And do not let your hand be chained to your neck, which is a metaphor for miserliness.” And do not spread it out completely, which is a metaphor for extravagance. Likewise, He praised a people with something like this. God Almighty said, “And those who, when they spend, are not extravagant

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What remains from investigating this issue is the timing of wiping the head. Is there a virtue in repeating it or not? Some people say that there is no virtue in it, and among them are those who say that there is virtue in it. This is desirable in all acts of ablution in all its parts, regardless of the fact that it is strengthened in some parts and weakened. In some parts, I mean repetition, and there is no dispute about the obligation of one part if it covers the part.

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As for our doctrine in origin, there is no repetition in the world of divine breadth, so we prohibit this expression, and we do not prohibit the existence of proverbs through formal resemblance, so we know with certainty that the movements resemble each other in form, even if each one of them is not the same as the other, so our doctrine is to consider the ruling of the Shari’ah in that matter. If we enumerate with proverbs, we enumerate it. In proverbs, as we say after praying, “Glory be to God,” thirty-three times, then like this, unless we prevent it, multiple acts of ablution may occur. Confirmation of removal. The ruling on quick negligence in a person. So, this is a virtue in repetition. If he is certain of presence, then there is no virtue. The virtue is the excess, and what this one performs ablution increases is ruled by the presence of negligence or It is an oversight and is repeated, and the addition is not valid, but what is correct according to us is that repetition i

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People differed regarding wiping the ears and renewing water for them. Some say that it is a Sunnah, some say it is obligatory, some say it is required to renew water for them, and some say the water is not renewed for them. Should they be wiped alone, or should they be wiped with the head in particular, or should they be wiped with the face in particular, or should one wipe the front of them with The face and the back of it, along with the head, and each of these conditions has a speaker.

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As for their internal ruling, it is an independent organ for which water must be renewed and wiped by listening to the best speech, and the differentiation must take place in the best, so there is good and good, and the highest good is the remembrance of God in the Qur’an, so it combines the two good things, so there is nothing higher than hearing the remembrance of God .

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