The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

They have limits and ceremonies were set for them to reform the kingdom and to test them as to which of them did the best in deeds. God made this into two parts, one called a ruling policy. He placed it in the souls of the greatest of people. They set limits and established powerful laws that they found in their souls in every city, region, and region, according to what the mood of that region and their nature required for their knowledge. With what wisdom gives, people’s money, their blood, their families, their relatives, and their lineages are preserved, and they called them laws, which means reasons for good, because the law in the conventional custom is the one that brings good, and the spy is used for evil. These are the laws of wisdom that wise people established with inspiration from God, from where they did not realize it, for the interests of the world, its organization, and its connection in places. They did not have a revealed divine law, nor did the author of these la

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So while they were like this, a person of their kind who was not of such a position in knowledge among them that they believed in him that he had correct thought and sound insight arose, and he said to them, “I am the Messenger of God to you.” They said, “Fairness is better. Look into his claim itself. Did he claim what is possible or claim what is?” Impossible, so they said that it has been proven with us with evidence that God has divine abundance that He may grant to whomever He wishes, just as He has bestowed it on the souls of these spheres and these minds and all of them have shared in possibility, and some possible things are not better than others in what is possible, so what remains for us to consider is the truth or falsity of this claim. We do not make any of these two rulings without evidence, as it is bad etiquette, despite our knowledge. They said, “Do you have evidence of the truth of what you claim?” So he brought them evidence. They looked at its meaning and evide

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Then the Messengers followed each other in different times and different circumstances, and each one of them believed his companion. They never differed in the principles on which they relied and expressed, and if the rulings differed, then the laws were revealed and the rulings were revealed, and the ruling was according to the time and the situation, as God Almighty said .

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