The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

It is probable that we rely on it, and that that basis must require our existence from Him in different proportions. The Lawgiver used the beautiful names for them, so He called them from His being a speaker of the necessary level of His divine existence, which it is not permissible for Him to participate in, for He is one God, there is no god. Other

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So I say, after this report, in the beginning of this matter, and the influence and predominance in the possible world, that the names came together in the presence of the named, and I looked into their facts and meanings, and I asked for the manifestation of their rulings so that their objects would be distinguished by their effects. For the Creator, who is the One who determines, the Knower, the Ruler, the Separator, the Creator, the Creator, the Sustainer, the Giver of Life, the Cause of Death, the Heir, the Grateful, and all the divine names. They looked into themselves and did not see a created being, nor a ruler, nor a detailed one, nor a formator, nor a provider. So they said, “How can we work until these entities in which our rulings appear appear and our authority is revealed?” So the divine names that some of the truths of the world requested after the appearance of its essence resorted to the Creator’s Name. They said to Him: “Perhaps these entities exist so that our ru

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The origin of this was that the possible things, in their state of non-existence, asked the divine names a question about a state of humiliation and lack, and said to them that nothingness has blinded us from understanding one another and from knowing what rights you have over us. If you had revealed our eyes and clothed us with the garb of existence, you would have blessed us with that and we would have done what you should. Of reverence and veneration, and you too, the Sultanate was already valid for you in our presence, and today you are sultans over us with power and authority. This what we ask of you is more in your right than in our right. The names said, “This what the possible ones mentioned is true,” so they moved to request that. When they resorted to the Name Almighty, the Almighty said, “I am under.” Beware of the disciple, for I do not create an eye among you except through his specialization, and I cannot create the possible from himself unless the Commander’s comman

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So the name God came out, and with it the name speaking, it is translated for the possible and the names, so he mentioned to them what the named mentioned, so the knower, the one who wants, the one who says, and the capable were connected, so the first possible appeared from the things that were possible by singling out the one who wanted and the rule of the world. When entities and effects appeared in the universes, they dominated one another and subjugated one another according to what they were based on. The Names led to disputes and disputes. They said, “We fear that our system will be corrupted and that we will join the nothingness in which we were.” So the possible powers alerted the Names of what the All-Knowing and Controlling Name had given to them, and they said, “O Names, if your judgment were based on a known and single scale decreed by an Imam to whom you would return, he would preserve our existence for us and preserve your influences upon us, it would be better.” Fo

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