The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

If he freed a slave, God will free his neck from the Fire, and he may go to the second position and ask about the Qur’an, its truth, and its recitation. If he fulfills that completely, he may go to the third position and be asked about jihad. If he strived for the sake of God seeking reward, then he may go to the fourth position. He is asked about backbiting, and if it is not backbiting, he may go to the fifth position and be asked about gossiping. If he is not a gossip, he may be asked about the sixth position and be asked about lying. If he is not a liar, he may be asked about the seventh position and be asked about seeking knowledge. If he was seeking knowledge and worked on it, he may be asked about the eighth position and be asked about conceit. If he is not impressed with himself in his religion and worldly life or in any of his work, then he may go to the ninth position and be asked about arrogance. If he is not arrogant towards anyone, he may go to the tenth positio

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Then the creatures will be commanded to the path, and they will end up on the path, and bridges over Hell have been set over it, finer than hair and sharper than a sword. The bridges have been absent in Hell for forty thousand years, and the flames of Hell are burning next to them, and on them are thorns, hooks, and hooks. They are seven bridges, and all the servants will be gathered on them and on every bridge. Among them is the obstacle of a journey of three thousand years, a thousand years of ascent, a thousand years of leveling, and a thousand years of descent. This is the saying of God Almighty, “Indeed, your Lord is watching,” meaning, on those bridges, and angels are watching the creation on them, so that the servant may be asked about belief in God. If he brings it as a sincere believer, in whom there is no doubt or deviation, he may pass to the second bridge. He is asked about prayer, and if he fulfills it in full, he may go to the third bridge, and he is asked about zaka

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Know that people differed regarding the return of the believers who believe in the resurrection of bodies, and we did not address the doctrine of those who attribute the return and creation of the afterlife to non-tangible, rational matters, for that is contrary to what is the matter with him, because it is ignorance that there are two creations, the creation of bodies and the creation of souls, which is moral creation, so they affirmed morality and did not They prove the tangible thing, and we say what this dissenter said regarding proof of spiritual and moral origination, not what he disagreed with, and that the essence of a person’s death is his resurrection, but the minor resurrection

For the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, says, “Whoever dies, his resurrection has occurred.” < /p

And the gathering is the gathering of partial souls into the universal soul. I say all of this, as the opponent says, and here his talk about the resurrection ends. Tho

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In the science of nature, natural bodies remain in the two worlds for an infinite period of time, but rather they continue to exist, and that people only knew about nature as much as the Truth had informed them of that, from what appeared to them in the durations of the movements of the seven spheres and planets, and for this reason they made the natural age one hundred and twenty years, which This ruling requires it, so if a person exceeds this period, he falls into the unknown age, even if he is of nature and does not deviate from it, but it is not within the power of his knowledge to limit it to a specific time. Just as he increases the natural age by a year or more, it is permissible for him to increase thousands of years more than that, and it is permissible.

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