The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

God Almighty says: That is the Paradise which we inherit from our servants whoever is pious. This is the Paradise which was acquired for them by inheritance from the people of Hell who are its inhabitants, since it was not in God’s knowledge that they would enter it, and He did not say about the people of Hell that they would inherit from Hell the places of the people of Paradise if they had entered. And this is the one who preceded mercy due to the generality of His bounty, Glory be to Him. Whoever of its inhabitants descends into Hell except through their deeds, and for this reason there will remain empty places in it, and they are the places that if the people of Paradise entered them, they would inhabit them, so God creates a creation that would inhabit it in a manner that if they entered Paradise with it, they would be punished, which is what the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, so He places the mighty in it. He presented it, and she said: Never, never

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As for God Almighty’s saying, “We have increased for them a punishment beyond the punishment,” that is for a specific group, and they are the misguided Imams. God Almighty says, “And let them bear their burdens, and burdens with their burdens.” And they are the ones who misled the servants and introduced upon them misleading suspicions, so they deviated thereby from the right path. They went astray and went astray, and they said to them: Follow Our path, and We will bear your sins. God says, and they will not bear any of the sins. Indeed, they are liars in this statement. Rather, they are the bearers of their sins, and those who misled them also bear their sins, and the sins of these people along with their sins, and these do not diminish their sins in any way.

He, peace and blessings of God be upon him, says, “Whoever initiates an evil practice will bear the burden of it.” And the burden of those who do it without it detracting from their burdens in any way.

It is

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It is necessary for the people of Hell to have God’s grace and mercy in the same Fire after the expiration of the period of balancing the working times, so they will lose the feeling of pain in the same Fire because they will never come out of the Fire, neither will they die in it nor will they live, so their limbs will become numb by the removal of the sensitive spirit from it. And then there is a group that God will give them after the balancing period has expired. The period between torment and work is an imaginary bliss like what a sleeper sees and his skin, as God Almighty said: “The more their skins ripen, it is, as we said, their numbness.” So the time of ripening and changing, they lose pain, because

When the time of ripening has passed, the fire against them is extinguished, so they will be in the Fire like the nation that entered it, and it is not Of its people, then God caused them to die therein, so they do not feel what the fire does to their bodies. The hadi

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As for the gates of Hell, God has mentioned some of the characteristics of its inhabitants, but of these four groups that are its inhabitants, and whoever emerges through intercession or care from those who enter it, he has brought some of what God has described of those who enter it from the reasons that necessitate that, which are the gate of hell, the gate of Saqr, and the gate of hellfire. And the Gate of Al-Hatma, and the Gate of Lazha, and the Gate of Al-Hamiyah, and the Gate of the Abyss. The gates were named based on the characteristics of what is behind them, of what they were prepared for, and those entering it were described by what God Almighty mentioned, such as His saying in Lutha: “Invite those who turn away, turn back, and gather, and take up.” And he said, “What do the people of Saqr say when they are told, ‘What led you in Saqr?’ They said, ‘Why? We were among those who prayed, and we did not feed the poor, and we used to quarrel with those who quarreled, and we

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So we have mentioned mothers and classes. As for the occasions of deeds for these levels, they are too numerous to explain at length, and if we embarked on that, the scope would be long for us, for the scope is vast, but deeds are mentioned and the punishment for them is mentioned. So whenever you stand upon any of these and you are upon light from your Lord and clear proof, then God is He will inform you of his generosity, as we have stipulated this .

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